Texas Governor Reveals How Many Migrants the State has Bussed to Sanctuary Cities this Year

Gov. Greg Abbott of Texas announced on Tuesday that his state has bused nearly 16,000 migrants to sanctuary cities in 2022.
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Gov. Greg Abbott of Texas announced on Tuesday that his state has bused nearly 16,000 migrants to sanctuary cities in 2022.

A tweet from Abbott included details about the number of migrants sent to each of the four cities, the Daily Wire reports.

Abbott tweeted, “Texas has bused over 15,900 migrants to sanctuary cities.”

“We’re providing relief to local communities overwhelmed by President Biden’s open border policies,” Abbott added.

According to Abbott, more than 8,900 migrants have been bused to Washington, D.C., the highest number among sanctuary cities.

Over 4,900 migrants were bussed to New York City, over 1,500 to Chicago, and over 630 to Philadelphia, according to Abbott.

Three busloads of migrants arrived at Kamala Harris’ residence on Christmas Eve as part of the governor’s busing program.

15,900 migrants are a tiny fraction of the migrants who have crossed the southern border during President Joe Biden’s administration.

According to Abbott’s Operation Lone Star effort to address the border crisis, 336,000 migrants have been apprehended in Texas alone since March 2021. More than 23,000 criminal arrests have been made as a result of the apprehensions.

In addition, over 354 million lethal doses of fentanyl have been seized by the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS).

This fiscal year, border officials have interacted with over 2 million migrants so far. The number was 1.7 million in the last fiscal year.

Border security is of critical importance and God bless Governor Abbott for striving to protect border states from the influx of illegal migrants. In addition to bussing nearly 16,000 migrants to sanctuary cities in 2022, he has also continued to speak out against the Biden administration that have failed to prioritize border security over their deranged policies. This is especially impressive considering border officials have interacted with over 2 million migrants so far this fiscal year, compared to 1.7 million last year. By busing the migrants to sanctuary states, the governor is demonstrating that border states should not be left alone to deal with this rapidly escalating border crisis.

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