President Trump Rings in the New Year with Brutally Honest Declaration

President Donald Trump's declaration that America is in decline was the hard truth, but it was an honest one.
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In some of his first online posts of the new year, President Donald Trump voiced his criticism of Facebook, NATO, and the southern border. Truth Social, Trump’s social media platform, was filled with his comments about those topics on Monday.

As reported by MediaITE, Trump first posted about the border, writing, “Our Southern Border is far beyond HORRIBLE. There is no Country in the World that has such atrocious, unsafe, and disgusting conditions at their Border. We are worse than any Third World Nation!”

Trump then pointed to the status of the southern border under his administration, adding, “Just think, two years ago we had the safest and most stable Border in U.S. history. Criminals and Drugs entering our once great Country were at a decades low… And now, our beautiful USA is being poisoned from within, a Nation in DECLINE. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, and Fast!”

In a separate post, Trump then turned his ire toward NATO, writing, “When I was President I made Member Nations pay up all of the money they weren’t paying to NATO. The U.S. was footing almost the entire NATO bill, and I quickly put a stop to that. Hundreds of billions of Dollars were then rapidly paid by those “delinquent” nations. The Secretary General of NATO said it was AMAZING what President Trump had done. Thank you, but here we go again! The good old USA “suckers” are paying a VAST majority of the NATO bill, & outside money, going to Ukraine. VERY UNFAIR!”

In regards to Facebook. Trump added in a third post, “Facebook has lost over 80 Billion Dollars in Value since “deplatforming” President Donald J. Trump. Also, it has gotten very BORING and UNINTERESTING. That stupid, unnecessary, and probably illegal move is now considered a major business mistake. I agree!”

President Donald Trump’s declaration that America is in decline was the hard truth, but it was an honest one. Trump’s posts were passionate and made it clear to the nation that something needs to be done quickly to right our wayward ship. He provided three examples – Facebook, NATO, and the southern border – each of which speaks volumes about the state of our country. We must all get on board the Trump train and do what we can to help make America great again, again. One of the ways we can do that is to Vote Trump for President in 2024! It is time to take our nation back from decline in order for it to continue being a leader in the world.

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