Chicago Mayor Makes Obscene Demand For Money From State

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Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot has become infamous for her demands of unrealistic amounts of funding, but asking for even more money to provide services for illegal migrants seems to be pushing the boundaries. Following the lead of New York City Mayor Eric Adams, who recently asked for his own massive funds for unlawful individuals, Lightfoot is taking her sanctuary city rhetoric to an even higher level. This begs the question: When will President Biden finally recognize this as a major problem and put a stop to these outrageous requests? Lightfoot’s latest request is not only egregious, but hilariously indicative of the failed Biden administration’s mission in solving illegal immigration issues.

Oh, Joe Biden and his group of 20 something year old interns who are running the country messed up the border. Since Biden took office there has been over 5.2 million illegal immigrants who have crossed the border and had interactions with CBP to be released back into the US population and untold more who did have a run in with CBP.  Now as governors across the US border have decided to step up their

American outlook reports, Chicago’s Democrat mayor Lori Lightfoot is asking for more than $50 million to provide services to illegal immigrants.


Since Lightfoot is so upset about no notice being given to her when illegals are being bussed from other states to Chicago, she has taken similar steps to ship those same illegals to Republican cities in Illinois.

NBC Chicago reports, while both Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot and Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker have greeted those arriving with open arms, a recent group of refugees have since been transported to temporary housing in suburban Burr Ridge after arriving in the city — a move that village officials say they were not aware of.


The audacity of Lori Lightfoot to send Illegal Immigrants to a Republican city without notice, after complaining that a Republican Governor did the same to her is the height of hypocrisy, and she should formally apologize for that, which she has not done to date. Also it seems that if it rains too hard in Chicago Lightfoot is demanding more money from someone, and will use any excuse to get more funds into the near bankrupt city. Further her mismanagement of the crime, homelessness, and insane liberal policies just underscore how bad that city has gotten over the years, and now she has the further audacity to seek re-election. She should just retire and fade into oblivion. Keep up the pressure Governor Abbot!

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