SHOCKING Footage From Biden’s Scandal-Ridden Border Trip Emerges, Confirms what We ALL Expected

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As the Biden Administration refuses to address and contain an unprecedented surge of immigrants on the Southern US border, repercussions from the president’s weekend trip have just surfaced – and they’re shocking. Footage that has since gone viral confirms what we all expected would happen as the President stepped foot in the border town. 

Joe Biden’s first visit to the southern border was met by protesters calling on him to be impeached. 

As President Joe Biden stepped off Air Force One for his brief visit to the U.S.-Mexico border, Governor Greg Abbott made a surprise visit to El Paso to deliver a note to him.

As the plane taxied in from the runway, Abbott was the first person to greet Biden and three Democratic lawmakers as they deplaned, according to the Washington Examiner.

During his meeting with Biden, Abbott handed him a one-page letter listing actions the Biden administration should take to reduce the number of immigrants trying to cross the southern border. Biden’s first border trip was criticized as “$20 billion too little, two years too late.”

Upon receiving the letter, Biden signaled to Abbott that he was interested in moving forward, the Texas Governor told reporters. 

As expected, Biden didn’t get to see or experience the full extent of the border crisis, as the Daily Wire reported that illegal immigrants in El Paso were arrested, had their camps taken down, and some were sent back to Mexico last week leading up to Biden’s visit.

In a statement, Maria Rodriguez, a Venezuelan who was living in a dumpster for three days, told the New York Post, “People are saying that if you are out in the streets the Border Patrol will get you and deport you because the President is coming to El Paso and they don’t want to show him the reality of things.”

The Border Patrol Union voiced its stance on Biden’s trip, tweeting: “El Paso being cleaned up as if nothing unusual ever happened there. Just in time for Biden’s ‘visit to the border’. We suggest just landing in Des Moines, Iowa and telling him it’s El Paso. He’ll never know the difference.” 

Following his visit, Biden sent out a tweet that read, “Our problems at the border didn’t arise overnight. And they won’t be solved overnight. But, we can come together to fix this broken system. We can secure the border and fix the immigration process to be orderly, fair, safe, and humane.”

Biden’s tweet is an about-face of his April 2021 comment, where he told NBC News that his administration had “gotten control” of the border situation.

In addition, Biden’s DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has continued to claim that the border is “secure.”

President Joe Biden’s disgracefully limited border trip has uncovered the truth that confirms what many already suspected — his visit was completely detached from reality. As expected, the president did not witness the full scope of the border crisis due to the round-up of illegal immigrants in El Paso only days prior to his arrival. Governor Greg Abbott took it upon himself to visit the president and hand over a letter listing immediate actions that need to be taken by the Biden administration to reduce immigration levels. Clearly, these steps should have been taken months ago, but this is yet another example of how little effort Biden has made towards bipartisan solutions when it comes to handling this ongoing crisis. If Biden had truly wanted to understand the situation at our Southern border, he would have spent a longer amount of time there — instead of just taking a photo opportunity for himself.

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