It’s about time that someone finally called Scientific American out for their ridiculous stance on American football. For far too long, organizations like this have maintained an ignorant and prejudiced attitude when it comes to a sport that is beloved by millions of people around the world. One NFL legend had much to say about it.
Tony Dungy, a legend in the NFL, recently showcased his expertise by taking on a powerful force: Scientific American’s opinion piece suggesting that football “is more dangerous for black people.” Taking to social media, Dungy shared his insight and experience, making it clear that such a claim is wrong. The Legend didn’t have to say much but his experience spoke for itself. Calling out Scientific America for pushing a false narrative. Hopefully this inspires many more to stand up to woke agendas like this.
The Post Millennial reports, Tony Dungy has criticized Scientific American for its article alleging that violence is disproportionally experienced by black men in football.
Using Damar Hamlin’s collapse on the field to discuss violence against black men in football, the former player and coach called the article “ridiculous.”
Sociocultural anthropologist Tracie Canada’s piece begins by discussing Hamlin’s collapse and subsequent hospitalization, before moving on to discuss the NFL’s alleged normalization of violence against black men.
She states, “The ordinariness of men running into each other at full speed represents a normalized—even rationalized—violence that is routine to this American game.” The author argues that black players are disproportionately affected by non-white men making up 70 percent of NFL players.
According to her, coaches racially segregate athletes by position ” in a way that places black athletes “at a higher risk during play.”

Dungy tweeted in response to the article, “As a black man and former NFL player I can say this article is absolutely ridiculous.”
As a former NFL coach for nearly 30 years, as well as an advocate for representation, social justice, and more coaching opportunities for black NFL players, it’s safe to say that Dungy is an authority on coaching black players, so his refuting of this article’s claims is not without significance.
The article cites sociologist Billy Hawkins, who gives the view that playing fields cannot be separated from plantation fields, as well as activist Harry Edwards, who asserts that a black athlete is “used.”
Does this entire article reek of Colin Kapernick, anyone?
Liberals would likely have you believe these poor black athletes are treated terribly and taken advantage of. But in reality, any NFL player can choose to walk away from the sport at any time. This Colin Kaepernick narrative is getting old and needs to be nipped in the bud because even former football players and coaches aren’t buying it. Instead of writing about the tragedy happening to these athletes, their first instinct is to paint these millionaires as victims of something that does not exist. Let’s stop pretending like these players are victims and actually talking about the issue being ignored. It is not normal for Healthy professional athletes to be collapsing on a field playing a game he’s played a million times. Hopefully more will speak out.
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