Are we watching the Democrat exit strategy for Joe Biden to then install Kamala Harris? With recent the “Garage Gate” doc fiasco, White House counsel’s office saying it has no visitor logs from Biden’s Wilmington home where Classified documents were discovered, as well as Democrats “shaken” by Biden’s classified docs debacle, and Globalist Bohemian Grover David Gergen stating that ‘Biden risks being creamed”‘ by this docs case, the stunning revelations are causing quite a stir. Is it amateur hour for Joe and his administration? Is it time for Dems to hit the eject button on ol’uncle Joe or will they push ahead? We shall see what happens next but one thing is certain, this is definitely a very big deal.
Would “Garagegate” be how the Democrats install Kamala Harris in the Oval Office? Just last week ago, we discussed how it was possible for Harris to rule as President for 10+ years. However, a new development has risen in ‘Garagegate’- is this the plot to oust Joe Biden from office? This raises the complex question of whether or not it’s possible to indict a sitting president, something that has never been done before. Making matters worse is Attorney General Merrick Garland’s appointment of Special Counsel Robert Hur to investigate how classified materials were handled by Joe Biden. Whilst it remains unclear where such an investigation might lead, many Democrats are beginning to ring alarm bells- concerned that this situation could result in a full-blown constitutional crisis involving presidential indictment.
Let’s review what we know so far, along with what people like Donald Trump, Adam Schiff, David Gergen, Newt Gingrish, and Joe Scarbouroh are saying.
In a Truth Social post Donald Trump responded to the fact that there are no visitor logs for Joe Biden’s Delaware house
He posted, “The White House just announced that there are no LOGS or information of any kind on visitors to the Wilmington house and flimsy, unlocked, and unsecured, but now very famous, garage. Maybe they are smarter than we think! This is one of seemingly many places where HIGHLY CLASSIFIED documents are stored (in a big pile on the damp floor). Mar-a-Lago is a highly secured facility, with Security Cameras all over the place, and watched over by staff & our great Secret Service. I have INFO on everyone!”

MediaITE reports, former Clinton administration adviser, and Globalist Bohemian Grover, David Gergen believes President Joe Biden’s handling of classified documents could cause him great harm.
Anderson Cooper invited the veteran political operative on to discuss the issue on CNN’s AC360. Several documents were found in locations Biden used after he left office as vice president. Cooper mentioned the potential “political fallout” of those revelations.
Gergen called the classified documents report a “gigantic story” and questioned why the president’s team hadn’t gotten ahead of it sooner. On MSNBC, Joe Scarborough blasted the Biden Administration’s bumbling and stumbling over Classified Docs as “amateur hour.”
Scarborough and Brzezinski appeared shocked by the incompetence of the Biden White House’s handling of classified documents, portraying them as “bumbling and stumbling” keystone cops. Adam Schiff was on ABC’s “This Week” on Sunday with Jonathan Karl. In that appearance, he seemed ready to throw Joe Biden under the bus, but he said he was going to “reserve judgment” until all the evidence was in.
Schiff’s and other Democrats’ lack of enthusiastic defense suggests that there is a lack of unity between Congressional Democrats and Biden, indicating that he will have to succeed or fail on his own without their assistance. Case-in-point on MSNBC, radical extremist squad member Ilhan Omar declared she’s ‘glad’ a special prosecutor has been appointed to investigate “GarageGate.”
In the Democratic Party, people tend to stick together, they don’t criticize each other, but now we’re seeing these people break with the White House, a point to which Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich declared on FOX News that Dems are “shaken” by this whole fiasco.
Gingrich takes me to my next point that I presented at the opening of this video. This whole thing could get a lot worse for Biden.
Could Special Counsel Robert Hur be the deciding factor in whether we see proof of criminality, or if Biden will be spared a constitutional crisis? If Hur finds that Biden may have broken the law, he has the option to send his findings to the House of Representatives for them to decide whether impeachment proceedings should begin. Should impeachment occur and Biden be removed from office, Kamala Harris will become President, who some people speculate could hold that title for up to 10 years. How this plays out largely depends on Hur’s findings and opinion – a crucial decision both portentous and controversial.
As Joe Biden’s administration spirals out of control and into possible impeachment, the idea of a 10-year reign of terror under Kamala Harris seems all too real. We’ve witnessed prominent Democrats like Joe Scarborough, David Gergen, and Illhan Omar taking aim at the White House, as if they are preparing to throw Joe Biden under the bus. With this turmoil brewing, a new sense of dread has set in. All eyes and ears are now on Special Counsel Robert Hur – his decision could ultimately put this matter in front of Congress for impeachment proceedings. Could this be how the Democratic Party installs Madam Harris into office? If so, we might be facing the darkest threat known to man – and that is something that no one should take lightly! But perhaps this has been the plan since day one, and we’re only 4 days away from the 2 year point in the Biden presidency.
Let’s continue this conversation, in the comments below.