As the wealthy elite are now “requiring” unvaccinated crew to fly their jets, one has to wonder what is really going on. Are the elites afraid that somebody in their pilots pool might suddenly die of a vaccine related cause? While this drama plays out in aviation, the billionaires are high-tailing it off to Davos for their annual summit to reflect on the future of their “new world order.” What are these monied interests getting ready to unleash upon us humble global serfs?
In a world where the wealthy are often perceived as a cut above the rest, it is more than a little startling to learn that the very same elite are now ‘requiring’ unvaccinated pilots to fly their jets. Former Jetstar pilot Alan Dana has recently come forward claiming this requirement is real and there are even inquiries being made about unvaccinated pilots from Josh Yoder at the U.S. Freedom Flyers group, an anti-mandate organization. Is it because these elite are afraid of their pilots suddenly dying mid-air?
On “Maria Zeee Uncensored” this week Former Jetstar pilot Alan Dana made the shocking revelation.
After the U.S. implemented a strict vaccine requirement on pilots and crew in 2021, Dana, a former JetStar pilot based in Singapore, recognized that Australia’s Freedom Flyers chapter hasn’t seen as many inquiries for unvaxxed crew business because it’s relatively new and not as well-known.
As the elites convene in Davos to discuss the “New World Order” and plot humanity’s destruction, many are trying to make sense of this difficult moment for the aviation industry.
The news that businessmen were looking for unvaccinated pilots made its way to the internet when Josh Yoder took to Twitter to confirm the rumor.
However, he was very particular with his words, specifying that he had never said that the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos was one of those business lookers.

That didn’t stop people from speculating; some are even making assumptions about whether or not unvaxxed pilots would be sought after if they’re chosen to make an appearance at Davos.
Even with such political intrigue and undertones, Yoder stands firm in his pointer: he’s never said anything about WEF and its plans for Davos. He simply confirmed what he knew and left it at that.
It appears as if the wealthy elite have taken additional measures to protect their lives in the face of the FAA Pilot-mandates. Although it is unclear exactly why they are opting for all-unvaccinated crews, they may fear adverse reactions to immunizations that most of pilots already have or will soon receive. As the world cautiously moves towards a post-vaccine environment, it will be interesting to see how this decision fits into their larger plans for the future. Ultimately, only time will tell how this decision plays out and how it affects both aviation and those at the highest echelons of wealth.
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