RINO Paul Ryan Sends a Message: Praises Fiscal Conservative Movement

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 In a surprising turn of events, the RINO Snake, Former House Speaker Paul Ryan attempted to portray himself as a fiscal conservative while appearing in an interview on a left wing news network. On the Fake News network, it was a typical display of a turncoat trying to rewrite history.

Former Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan, has revealed a remarkable stance on the recent lengthy republican speaker election process. Not only is he not dismayed by it, but he has even admitted that he himself was perhaps too powerful as speaker, in agreement with some of the concessions. His statement highlights an important point: regardless of dominant political parties and their respective ideals, America is ultimately concerned with the welfare and balance of power between leaders and those represented. He certainly offered a well balanced viewpoint.

The Washington Examiner reports, In an interview with CNN, former House Speaker Paul Ryan showed his disregard for the lengthy process of electing a new speaker by claiming that some of the concessions were acceptable, and even going so far as to say that ‘I think that I had an excessive amount of power as speaker.’ This callous attitude towards the process is yet another example of Ryan’s disregard for the democratic process.

During a CNN interview with Jake Tapper on Thursday, Paul Ryan attempted to defend his actions, but his words were unconvincing and lacked any real substance. Ryan said, “I like some of those,” referring to some concessions Speaker Kevin McCarthy made to Republican detractors.

Let’s take a look at what Paul Ryan, the former speaker of the House had to say – even though he was far from a successful leader.

Paul Ryan is completely against C-SPAN having access to floor footage, as he recently told CNN’s host. His reasoning for this is unclear, but one can only assume it is out of fear that his own actions may be exposed to the public.

In addition, the two discussed Donald Trump, whom Ryan has openly criticized. He is fading fast, Ryan said, spitefully referring to the former president and candidate for president in 2024 as a ‘proven loser.’ Those are some fighting words.

That’s interesting to hear that point from Paul Ryan, even though Trump had a major influence on helping McCarthy win the speakership.

According to Fox News, newly elected House Speaker Kevin McCarthy thanked former President Donald Trump for playing a key role in negotiating with several GOP holdouts. This helped win McCarthy the support of his conference.

GOP snake Paul Ryan certainly showed his hand when trying to position himself as an “objective figure” in the conversation, making it seem apparent he was doing anything but. His lack of political savvy and clear desire to make McCarthy look bad in order to appease the liberal host and score points for his upcoming 2024 battle against President Trump was obvious. While GOP snake Ryan tried – and failed – to appear balanced, his presence was anything but. His effort to slither his way into the White House by any means necessary is certainly not indicative of any great integrity or character, something that GOP loyalists can see through with ease.

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