Cracking Down on ‘Pro-Life’ Terminology: Leftist Anchor Censors Reporter

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Questioning the authority of liberal news networks, a recent incident of censorship has sparked a much larger conversation about biased media sources. Anchor for a left-wing cable news show recently stifled a reporter who used the term “pro-life,” Apparently you can no longer be called a pro-lifer, there is a new damning label for us.

When Andrea Mitchel encountered her correspondent describing a congresswoman as ‘pro-life’, she was not about to stand for it. Amid a life reporting segment, Mitchel quickly jumped in to offer her expertise and scolded her colleague for referring to someone opposing abortions as ‘pro-life.’ With radical vigor and ferocity, she stressed the importance of using the more accurate term ‘anti-abortionist’ instead. As if she was shaming an entire movement who ought to be embarrassed for what they proudly stand for.

American Lookout reports, In a recent report, Andrea Mitchell reprimanded a fellow reporter for referring to someone as pro-life.

Her description of the person as ‘anti-abortion’ was not explicitly stated, but that is the new left-wing label. It is more convenient for them to paint their political opponents in a negative light.

Is there any further proof that our media is controlled by left-wing activists?

What an awkward exchange… Classic virtue signaling at work there.

In no time, Mitchell moved on to dishonesty, “And the House’s passage of two anti-abortion bills Wednesday, despite a majority of Americans saying abortion should be legal.”

Keep in mind this was in response to the jaw-dropping controversial ‘Born Alive’ Bill that Democrats found to be an extreme bill.

The Hill reports that, in the first abortion-related legislation from the House GOP majority since the Supreme Court struck down Roe v. Wade over the summer, the House passed a bill on Wednesday requiring all infants born after attempted abortions to receive medical care.

The Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act was passed with a mainly 220-210-1 vote. Representative Henry Cuellar (Texas) was the only Democrat to vote for the measure. Vicente Gonzalez (D-Texas) voted “present.”

The bill, which House Republicans promised to introduce even before they won the majority, would ensure that children born alive after attempted abortions receive the same level of care as those born prematurely. It also requires that the infant be taken to a hospital. It also threatens providers with a fine or up to five years in prison if they fail to comply.

For too long, the majority of Americans who are pro-life have been ridiculed for their stance on abortion. But we should not be ashamed of advocating for rights that would protect innocent lives from what many deem an unjust act. The recently proposed bill, which requires care for babies born after a failed abortion, was widely supported by pro-life advocates and yet only one Democrat chose to cast a vote in favor, giving us hope that not everyone on that side is as pessimistic about life. It is important for those who consider themselves pro-life to rise up and make their voices heard so that laws like this can continue to be passed. And for your information, Andrea Mitchell, being labeled Anti-abortion is a badge most of us would gladly wear without hesitation.

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