REALITY EXPOSED: Biden’s MLK Sunday Sermon Unveils Fake ‘Black Church’ Story!

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President Joe Biden is once again caught in a blatant lie, as members of the “black church” he claims to have attended do not recall ever seeing him.. Unfortunately for Biden, it is unclear where the truth lies – has he lied? Is it pure dementia? Whatever the answer, it is not only disgraceful but a worry for many given how far Obama-era politicians will go for clout. Where does honesty figure into American politics now?

Talk about messing up big time, if it was any other politician this news would be front page world wide, yet for Biden he is getting yet another pass from the media. 

Western Journal reports, Joe Biden made a point to emphasize that he attended “the black church” during his high school and college years during a Sunday speech at Martin Luther King Jr.’s Atlanta church, Ebenezer Baptist Church.

Despite the president’s claims, members of the church he claims to have attended don’t recall him.

Biden spoke at a celebration of King’s legacy ahead of his birthday on Monday.


The church in question, Union Baptist Church in Wilmington, Delaware, was run by Reverend Otis Herring until his passing in 1996.

Many long-time church members have no recollection of Biden attending Union Baptist Church as a young man.

Free Beacon Reports, On the campaign trail, Joe Biden has talked frequently about his early years in the civil rights movement. As a teenager, he says, he regularly attended a black church in Wilmington, Del., where he was involved in organizing anti-segregation protests in the early 1960s.

Biden referred to Union Baptist Church in Wilmington, a prominent African-American church run by Rev. Otis Herring, who passed away in 1996. However, Biden has made comments that seem to contradict the account. When reporters questioned Biden’s claim in 1987 that he marched in the civil rights movement, he acknowledged that he “wasn’t an activist” and that the most significant experience he had as a youth with civil rights was when he worked at a majority-black swimming pool in 1962 as a college sophomore.

Interviews with long-time church members are raising questions about his story. According to them, Biden befriended Herring as an adult, but he did not attend the church as a teenager. 

Phyllis Drummond, Herring’s longtime assistant who attended Union Baptist for 39 years, isn’t aware of Biden attending the church in the early 1960s. “No. Not at our building. I think he was probably in Claymont, [Del.,] [or] in Pennsylvania then,”

President Joe Biden has been caught in yet another disgraceful liar as members of the black church he claims to have attended during his college years don’t remember ever seeing him. Not only does this reflect an arrogant disregard for facts, but it also shows a severe lack of respect towards those he is claiming to be members of. A liar in politics is no surprise but even with that knowledge it’s hard not to feel disappointed and angry when lies such as this occur, especially when they are presented in such a dismissive way. Where is the honesty in politics? Is democracy decaying due to people like Biden or is this a symptom of dementia? We need honest leaders who care about their country and its citizens enough not to lie straight to our faces – because these actions are a disgrace.

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