Pro-Life Representatives Declare WAR on the FDA Following Updated Protocol on Chemical Abortion Drug

Reps. Diana Harshbarger (R-TN-01) and Kevin Hern (R-OK-01) introduced a bill Tuesday in the House to invalidate the FDA's recently-updated Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy (REMS) for a chemical abortion drug treatment.
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Reps. Diana Harshbarger (R-TN-01) and Kevin Hern (R-OK-01) introduced a bill Tuesday in the House to invalidate the FDA’s recently-updated Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy (REMS) for a chemical abortion drug treatment.

According to the FDA, mifepristone and misoprostol work together to end a pregnancy through ten weeks gestation.

It is prescribed as a pill in two doses. The first dose terminates a pregnancy by cutting off progesterone production while the second pill induces contractions to expel the terminated pregnancy.

As a result of the FDA’s REMS program, retail pharmacies and mail-order services are now able to distribute the chemical abortion drug.

Previously, the drug could only be dispensed to patients in person at a hospital, clinic, or medical office. As a result of Harshbarger and Hern’s bill, this will be reinstated.

“Now more than ever, we must protect life,” Congressman Hern wrote on Twitter.

Further, enacting the representatives’ bill will prevent the Department of Health and Human Services from establishing and enforcing a substantially similar risk evaluation and mitigation strategy for mifepristone.

A number of pro-life groups support Harshbarger and Hern’s bill, including Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America, Concerned Women for America Legislative Action Committee, Americans United for Life, Heritage Action, and the Family Research Council.

On Twitter, Congresswoman Harshbarger added, “The Biden Administration has gone to great lengths to achieve abortion on demand, even risking the mother’s life to do so. My bill helps make women in America aware of the health risks of chemical abortion drugs before making a life-altering decision.”

In what pro-life supporters are terming a moral catastrophe, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has declared an updated protocol that allows for the distribution, via mail-order and retail pharmacies, of the devastating chemical abortion drug. This decision is seen as a direct affront to protect the lives of the unborn and has resulted in outrage from those who have long defended justice on behalf of these voiceless members of our society. In response to this heartless betrayal, the Republican representatives – Diana Harshbarger and Kevin Hern – have vehemently asserted their support for pro-life values and taken up arms against the FDA in an effort to protect our future generations. The purposeful pursuit of a political agenda at such a cost can only be described as appalling and surely cannot go unchallenged.

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