UNACCEPTABLE: WH Press Sec Can’t Get Her Story Straight on Her Boss’ GarageGate Scandal

KJP is not used to dealing with real questions as she has never had to face this level of scrutiny before.
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Karine Jean-Pierre, who spoke from the White House Tuesday afternoon, faced questions about her inconsistent timeline and statements following President Joe Biden’s mishandling of classified information.

According to her, she learned about the scandal from the media, Townhall reports.

Several classified documents were found inside Biden’s Wilmington garage and inside his home shortly after Jean-Pierre told reporters the search was “complete” for documents improperly stored by Biden as vice president. On Tuesday, KJP appeared to walk back that statement.

In a statement released last week, the White House argued Republicans were faking outrage over Biden’s handling of classified information. When pressed on the statement, KJP dodged the question.

By pushing reporters to the current White House Counsel, Jean-Pierre avoided answering future questions about the scandal. As Jean-Pierre speaks for President Biden, the move is unprecedented and lacks transparency.

As noted by American Lookout, KJP is not used to dealing with real questions as she has never had to face this level of scrutiny before.

It is unacceptable that White House Press Secretary Karine Jean Pierre cannot get her story straight about GarageGate. Not only is it unacceptable; it needs to be called out for the disgrace that it is, and we need answers from her. Her only job when facing questions regarding this classified documents scandal was to accurately tell the truth – something she has failed miserably at. It’s almost unreal to think someone in her position could get so confused that their statements don’t even line up with one another, much less with the general narrative surrounding the incident. Our country relies on truth and transparency, but due to Jean-Pierre’s gaps in her explanation, we are pushed further away from these most important values.

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