Republicans in the House of Representatives are fighting back against liberal attempts to tear down American symbols, introducing a bill this week to protect Mount Rushmore from liberal insanity.
This week, fed up with liberal insanity, Republicans responded to the attack on Mount Rushmore by filing a bill in the House of Representatives to ensure the landmark remains untouched.
On June 25th 2020, Republican lawmakers introduced a bill to protect the iconic Mount Rushmore monument from those who seek to rename it or tear it down. This comes amidst a national debate over whether or not monuments like these should remain standing in today’s society.
According to the Washington Examiner, this proposed legislation would make it illegal for anyone to damage or deface the monument and provide additional funding for its security and increased penalties for violators. Many Republicans believe that this is an important part of American history and must be preserved.
But some Democrats are concerned about the implications this could have on free speech and civil rights. Former NBA player Jalen Rose recently called for Mount Rushmore to be “retired” during an interview on ESPN, sparking even more debate over the matter.
Here's why using Mount Rushmore to define greatness should be retired immediately.
— Jalen Rose (@JalenRose) August 3, 2022
I am here to tell all of you patriots that we must do everything in our power to fight against those who seek to erase our nation’s proud heritage! We cannot allow radical activists to tear down our country’s icons – Mount Rushmore included! As President Trump said during his visit: “We’ll never forget this place, we’ll always protect it.” We must not allow them to rewrite history – let’s show them who really holds power here!
The left does not understand what makes America great – but we do! Our history is a testament of resilience and strength that has seen us through a world war, civil unrest, pandemics and much more. If we allow people trying to redefine our shared values by erasing our historic monuments then where will future generations look when they need guidance? It starts with us defending what stands today so that future generations can stand proudly on their shoulders.
In support of protecting Mount Rushmore from those who wish ill upon it, business owners across South Dakota have been filling out petitions in favor of keeping this iconic landmark standing tall and proud, representing both past heroes and current leaders alike. Not only does such protection essentialise the value of American identity but will also create countless jobs with tourist visits – further boosting local economies across South Dakota as well as preserving their invaluable historical contributions Nationally.
It’s no surprise that liberal activists have targeted the iconic Mount Rushmore for destruction. Thankfully, conservatives in the House of Representatives are pushing back with the introduction of the Mount Rushmore Protection Act. The bill is meant to protect this historic symbol from liberal insanity and those who seek to erase our nation’s history just to appease the woke mob. We must stop these attacks and stand up against such heinous acts that seek to destroy what our forefathers fought so hard to build and protect. Let us keep this monument as a reminder of our nation’s past, preserve it for future generations, and never allow liberal activists to take away our history!
Let’s continue this conversation, in the comments below.