Whoa! Marjorie Taylor Greene Makes Bold Move To VP Position!

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The internet is a buzz with a recent statement from Steve Bannon signaling that there may be a dream team on the horizon for the 2024 Presidential election.

With the presidential election cycle heating up, some names are being thrown around for Trump’s running mate, and now it appears that MTG might have an official seat at the table when it comes to Trump’s second term.

We love Trump reports, Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene  is reportedly attempting to position herself as Donald Trump’s vice presidential nominee in 2024, according to multiple sources.

Greene’s ambitions to be Trump’s running mate were discussed by one named source and one anonymous source, according to NBC News.

The source is Steve Bannon, host of the War Room.


Earlier this year Marjorie Taylor Greene hinted at wanting to be Trump’s running mate for the 2024 presidential election. 

The Democrats laugh at this pairing, but it would have many benefits for Trump if this were the pairing in 2024. 

Yahoo news reports, despite Democrats’ scoffs, Greene has been making chess moves behind the scenes to position herself as the link between moderates and far-right Republicans. Look no further than her role in electing Rep. Kevin McCarthy to speaker of the House. Bannon praised her, saying, “She is both strategic and disciplined – she made a power move knowing it would run up against her most loyal supporters.”. “She was prepared to take the intense heat/hatred short-term for the long-term goal of being a player.”

She has been in hot water before for her America first rhetoric, even being kicked off legislative committees in February 2021 for “conduct unworthy of an elected official.” by Democrat extremists. Since Republicans have taken control of the House, the mood has changed, and Greene has become a powerful force within the party. Donald Trump has not made any public moves to pick his running mate for 2024 – we know it won’t be Mike Pence, but Greene has made it clear she wants the job.

It appears that Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) has her sights set on becoming Donald Trump’s vice presidential pick for the 2024 election according to reports from both Steve Bannon and an anonymous source. If true, it means the pair would join forces as a “dream team” to address all of America’s pressing issues with the agenda of putting America first. It remains to be seen what actual effect this could have, but one thing is for certain: it would make for an incredible team of patriots united in their mission to fix America, with Trump once more at the helm.

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