HAHA! Chris Wallace DUMPSTER Fire RAGES as Ratings Plummet to historic low on CNN!!

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Everyone is laughing at low-rated host Chris Wallace after his attempt to join forces with CNN failed spectacularly. His show, on which he often tries to take shots at the Trump camp, has seen ratings plunge to never-before seen lows since his moves to the network, proving once again that Trump supporters will not be swayed by liberal rhetoric. 

HAHA! Everyone’s asking: What happened?! and Donald Trump is reacting with fire in Today’s report: As Chris Wallace continues to struggle in obscurity and lacklustre viewership, it seems like everyone is having a good laugh as every new low of his ratings push people further away from supporting this controversial broadcaster.

Daily Caller reports, the show, “Who’s Talking to Chris Wallace?,” drew 323,000 viewers on Sunday and 38,000 in the key 25-54 demographic. For the month of January, the show averaged 365,000 viewers and 48,000 in the 25-54 demo.

Compared to that, Fox News’ “Fox & Friends Sunday” attracted 1.544 million viewers and Mark Levin’s “Life, Liberty and Levin” attracted 1.129 million.

America has had enough with the Fake News and COVID-19 propaganda that CNN has relentlessly battered and bombarded their viewers with and are now expressing it by tuning out and turning off. Ratings have plummeted to a nine year low, and in the Nielsen ratings for between January 16th and 22nd, CNN only managed to average 444,000 primetime viewers and skewed heavily towards an elderly audience making up just 93,000 of those falling within the age 25-54 rating.

The effect has been so severe that even Donald Trump is reacting about CNN leaving their headquarters and downsizing.

It goes to show how far the mighty can fall when overplaying their hand and offering too much fake news and not enough facts and reality.

But the Donald didn’t stop there. In another post he said “The Fake News Media is Stupid and Corrupt”

CNN’s ratings have plummeted, and its short-lived successes are forgotten as Donald Trump continues to relish in its fall. The latest Chris Wallace show is nothing more than a dumpster fire, leaving many to ponder if they will ever recover or if they’ll forever remain as a representation of ‘fake news’. It won’t be long before there is nothing left of the once mighty network that Ted Turner founded so long ago.

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