Surprise Attack? Matt Gaetz Makes Unannounced Appearance On Weaponization Subcommittee

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Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) shocked onlookers last week by joining the House Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal government, a decision few saw coming after his name was initially absent from the slate of lawmakers announced for the investigative panel.

The government’s overreach, collusion and systematic government coverup, especially in their partnership with Big Tech, is no small thing. Though some might shrug off this news like it’s just another government shenanigan, it should be seen as a serious warning that our government has something to hide from its citizens — and that Representative Gaetz thinks it’s important enough to join the fray.

Daily Wire reports, the name of Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) was not included in the slate of lawmakers announced weeks ago, but he has quietly joined the House Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government.

McCarthy (R-CA) read Gaetz’s name into the record last week, but it wasn’t noticed until Tuesday, according to NBC News. Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX) spoke to McCarthy about stepping back from the subcommittee to better manage his workload before Gaetz joined.


The committee will be investigating the FBI, DOJ, Biden, and government collusion to censor conservatives.

The Hill reports, the subcommittee formally tasked with investigating how the executive branch collects information on and investigates U.S. citizens “including ongoing criminal investigations.” Conservatives, including former President Donald Trump, are being investigated by the Justice Department, the FBI, and other law enforcement agencies, according to Republicans. The panel is likely to take a look at the FBI’s search of his Mar-a-Lago home in August.

The subcommittee was created largely as a response to calls from House Republicans who withheld support from McCarthy to create a “Church-style” select committee to investigate alleged government abuses, a reference to the 1975 Senate select committee led by former Sen. Frank Church (D-Idaho) investigated intelligence agencies.

Gaetz and Roy were both McCarthy detractors. Roy, however, has other commitments that take precedence.

As a part of negotiations during the drawn-out Speaker battle last month, the right-wing holdouts secured a commitment to have three hard-line conservative members on the House Rules Committee, which oversees the structure of debate and the floor amendment process for legislation that goes to a final vote through a normal process.

Roy had volunteered to serve on the Rules Committee during the Speakership saga to ensure enough hardliners were on the panel. He was selected by McCarthy, along with Reps. Ralph Norman (R-S.C.) and Thomas Massie (R-Ky.).

Many were surprised to see Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) join the House Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government, as it had been weeks since the initial lineup was announced. It appears that Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX) stepped back from his position in order for Gaetz to join, and many eager for Gaetz to expose the government coverup or collusion between big tech, government entities like the FBI, and/or other nefarious parties. Many are angry about government over reach and feel that this possible government cover-up needs to be investigated thoroughly in order to protect their rights and find out who is really behind the scenes pulling strings. It may have been a quiet move but make no mistake, if there’s going to be an unraveling of these mysteries, Gaetz will have an important role in it.

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