CNN Hosts Left Speechless After Hollywood Star Kal Penn Exposes Recycling Scam

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Hollywood elites are some of the biggest perpetrators of greenwashing–tricking people into believing their environmentally-friendly claims without any evidence. It looks like one of them fumbled the ball, giving environmental activists something else to be angry about! After all, when celebrities promote false claims about the environment the left celebrates them and when someone in the pack dares to think for themself the opposite occurs.

Hollywood actor Kal Penn made headlines when he appeared as a guest on CNN. Hosts of the liberal-leaning show were admittedly taken aback when their guest brought a conservative talking point to the conversation: that their attempts at plastic recycling have all been in vain. While many of libs have dedicated to reducing, reusing and recycling plastic, only a small portion of it actually gets recycled into useful material. His words will definitely trigger some already unhappy liberals.

News buster reports, the three liberal hosts of CNN This Morning were taken aback when Kal Penn, an actor and environmental activist, appeared to tell the show’s liberal guests that recycling plastic has been a waste of time as very little plastic is actually recycled.

In a clip from Penn’s show, viewers were informed that most plastic is not recycled despite what they have been told.

This is when all the liberals lost the last marbles they had left.

TAKE A LOOK at how the liberals exposed their scam of a movement.

According to a new Greenpeace USA report, most plastic cannot be recycled. Researchers found that U.S. households generated 51 million tons of plastic waste in 2021, but only 2.4 million tons of it was recycled. 

In addition, no type of plastic packaging in the U.S. meets the definition of recyclable used by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation’s New Plastic Economy (EMF NPE) Initiative. In 2021, plastic recycling was estimated to have declined to about 5–6%, down from a high of 9.5% in 2014 and 8.7% in 2018. During that time, the U.S. exported millions of tons of plastic waste to China and counted it as recycled even though most of it was burned or disposed of.

Recycling is certainly a noble cause; however, when people are made to feel guilty for not doing so, it makes them resent the deed and greatly reduces their interest in actually doing it. Furthermore, now that people understand many companies use this as a means to stroke their little ego’s  – it’s truly quite laughable. Wait till they they find out that oil isn’t going extinct and that their green energy agenda is a money grab. That should make them made. I wonder which Hollywood actor will let that cat out of the bag.

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