Secret Source of Biden’s Record Workforce Rates Exposed: Uncover Startling Truth Behind Jobs Report!

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Americans have been struggling with inflation and high gas prices for months, wondering how they’ll be able to make ends meet. Meanwhile, President Joe Biden continues to say the economy is strong, claiming that in January alone over 500,000 jobs were added.

Everyone knows inflation and high gas prices have been tough on most Americans, yet President Joe Biden claims the economy is “strong.” Could this actually be true? The federal government claims hundreds of thousands of jobs have been added in the U.S. But experts suggest that we may be entering a recession.

Pj Newsletter reports, anyone who has been to the grocery store recently knows how bad the economy is. Most Americans continue to be hurt by inflation and high gas prices. Additionally, some people are struggling to make ends meet as the cost of most things continues to rise.

Despite this, Biden keeps saying the economy is “strong,” because federal reports state the labor market is strong. According to the federal government, over 500,000 jobs were added just this January. When experts say we’re entering a recession, how can that be?

However while leftist media outlets are praising Joe Biden for his success, the truth behind the matter is much more dreary.

Breitbart reports, millions of foreign workers are being hired by employers under the Joe Biden administration, leaving jobless Americans out in the cold.

Despite native-born Americans struggling to find jobs after the pandemic, data published by the New York Times shows that the Biden administration is helping employers by adding millions of foreign workers to the labor force — ensuring wages remain stagnant.

Torsten Slok, chief economist at Apollo Global Management stated “When the unemployment rate goes down, you would normally expect wage inflation to go up, but that’s not what’s happening, So there must be something else moving in the labor force, and there is a very likely explanation here that immigrants are coming in and taking jobs.” 

Slok Continued “ But despite the resurgence in the foreign-born labor force — about four-fifths of it are people legally allowed to work in the United States, by one calculation — there are bottlenecks.”

The Biden administration ignores efforts to get native-born Americans back into the workforce by focusing on adding foreign workers to the labor market. The administration’s foreign competition addition to the labor force adds tremendous weight for the nation’s working and lower-middle class looking to find high-paying jobs with decent benefits packages.

It seems that President Joe Biden’s claims of a strong economy is nothing more than an illusion. While inflation continues to skyrocket and Americans struggle to survive, Biden has used foreign labor as fuel to make the numbers look good on paper. Gradually eroding the country’s finances while forsaking its own citizens, it appears that Biden’s administration is setting up the United States for a financial collapse. With inflation at record highs and rumors of recession sweeping the nation, only time will tell what damage could have been prevented if Americans were put first instead.

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