Woke Biologists Sound The Alarm: Animal Deprivation Fueled By Systemic Racism

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 In today’s society, many scientists will try to link any occurrence and behavior, no matter how trivial, to racism. This tired accusation is getting out of hand, but that isn’t stopping the latest agenda: blaming racism for the wildlife habitational preferences of animals. The wild speculation from “woke” scientists gives no basis in reality and has gone far beyond reasonable limits – let’s check out what they made up this time.

This latest phenomenon of “woke science” furthers the notion that race plays a strong role in how we live and perceive the world. It suggests that people of color living in certain urban areas are missing something vital: close contact with wild animals. There is apparently evidence that suggests that rural neighborhoods have seen an increase in wildlife that has led to emotional healing for those nearby. Which may confirm what they were thinking: less wildlife in black neighborhoods is a product of that racism ultimately leading to increased mental health. Only time will tell if this theory holds true, we all know it won’t.

Daily Wire reports, Daily Mail’s title sums it up: “Scientists claim that there are fewer wild animals in neighborhoods where mostly people of color live — and their absence is affecting residents’ mental health.”

Let’s pause right there. Don’t “people of color” often live in cities, and cities often have fewer animals than, say, rural areas, where, you know, “people of color” also live.

But what should a woke biologist do? In their never-ending effort to find racism everywhere (and let’s be clear, racism exists all over the world), biologists have turned to animals.

The study titled “Systemic Racism Alters Wildlife Genetic Diversity” claims that minority-segregated neighborhoods still suffer from racism.

The study suggests that areas with a large number of white residents have a greater diversity of animals than those with a large number of black residents.

Keep in mind, this comes from a group demanding segregation be reinstated.

Remember this? TAKE A LOOK

According to The College Fix, redlining drove woodland creatures out of minority neighborhoods, causing mental and physical illnesses among minority residents.

According to some biologists, systemic racism affects furry, feathered and scaly members of our communities as well.

The idea that racism is to blame for lower wildlife presence in cities is an incredibly flawed conclusion, and one which ignores many other factors. It’s impossible to take such studies seriously when so much effort and progress has been made to eradicate racism in our society; it should be clear that nobody benefits from painting people – any people – as responsible for a decline in animal populations. The truth of the matter is that most black Americans choose to live in major cities for various reasons that have nothing to do with prejudice. At any time, any American can choose to live in rural America where there is wildlife but don’t blame racism on people’s personal choices.

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