Jen Psaki’s new weekly MSNBC show is sure to be a hit among the nepotistic liberal establishment elites.
Jen Psaki, former White House press secretary and current MSNBC contributor, is slated to host her own weekly talk show from the network. While nepotism allegations are sure to surface with such an establishment shill touting an MSNBC-style of “news”, yet others may see Psaki’s new show as a payoff for service rendered in the White House.
Daily caller reports, in March, former White House press secretary Jen Psaki will host her own weekly talk show on MSNBC.
Psaki will host the new show, which will air on Sundays at noon beginning March 19. The show, “Inside with Jen Psaki” will feature one-on-one interviews with analysts and lawmakers.
During an interview Psaki was asked about her new show, and if she would give preferential treatment to her old boss, she stated “I’m very conscious of the fact that people know who I am because I was standing behind a podium speaking on behalf of Joe Biden, I am not going to gratuitously attack him, nor am I going to gratuitously applaud him.”
Psaki added to the statement with “If he deserves applause, I will applaud him. If he deserves critique, I will critique him,”

MSNBC tweeted out celebrating the hopeful boost to their viewership stating “JUST ANNOUNCED: Psaki will debut “Inside with Jen Psaki”. Psaki will also contribute a regular column for @MSNBCDaily and develop a new original streaming show set to launch this spring.“
Things have gotten really bad at MSNBC lately after their ratings are at an all time low, and revenue losses were so bad that they had to lay off employees.

Ad week writes, employees at NBC News and MSNBC are protesting recent layoffs that affected the digital news team at the media conglomerate.
NewsGuild of New York employees joined the 24-hour walkout recently. which includes a protest outside NBC News’ headquarters at Rockefeller Center.
In January, NBC News laid off seven of its union members, and the NBC News Digital Union filed an unfair labor charge with the National Labor Relations Board.
The union described the layoffs as “abrupt” and “illegal.” It claimed that MSNBC management told some digital staffers that they were no longer part of the union.
Tate James, chair of the NBC Guild, says the union walked out because it became increasingly convinced that NBC News management excludes the union from key employee issues such as negotiating layoffs and severance terms.
Jen Psaki’s new MSNBC Sunday show will leave many viewers shaking their heads in disbelief. With a nepotism-like payoff to one of the US President Biden’s former press secretaries, it is difficult to trust this individual’s reporting as unbiased and objective. Too often in the past, Psaki has been viewed as nothing more than an establishment shill who crafts carefully constructed spin stories while avoiding any real facts. Many are questioning whether “Inside with Jen Psaki” will be just another platform for fake news and biased rhetoric, or if she can keep the show true and honest by providing impartial analysis from both sides of the political aisle. Only time will tell, but with her track record of spinning stories for purely ideological purposes, it does not bode well for the future of this program.
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