The Biden administration, which promised the American people inclusion and transparency, has established a track record of speaking out of both sides of its mouth. Karine Jean Pierre, the White House press secretary, attempted to set a tone-one that was more inclusive-but in doing so she failed dramatically. Apparently her poor treatment of an international African reporter, Simon Ateba, has recently surfaced and it’s not looking good for the diversity hire..
The recent legal action taken by Simon Ateba,Today News Africa’s White House reporter, has brought the claim of discrimination from this diverse administration to the forefront of the nation’s attention. Katrine Jean-Pierre, press secretary to President Biden, is being accused of unfair treatment and denying Mr. Ateba equal access to treatment during press conferences. While no one can accurately gauge what happened, if proven true it could be damaging to an administration that prides itself on its diversity and acceptance towards all.
Trending politics reports, today News Africa’s White House reporter Simon Ateba is suing White House press secretary Katrine Jean-Pierre for discriminating against him.

The international reporter tweeted his announcement say, “I have also decided to take legal action against President Biden’s Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre for discrimination against me in the White House. My lawyer will be the one to also talk about this case here or when we appear on television to discuss the case.”
Here is Simon Ateba explaining what happened on Tucker.
Additionally, he is suing the White House Correspondents Association (WHCA) for having “made false claims against me and my company and did not abide by their own membership guidelines.”
As Ateba explained, WHCA removed him from their organization because of alleged violations of their guidelines for membership. According to Ateba, the WHCA Executive Director Steven Thomma wrote in an email that his application to join the association was denied because “the committee noticed repeated instances where your behavior violated our bylaws.”
In the interview with Tucker, Ateba addressed the fact that KJP avoids serious questions which could be the reason she’s avoiding him.
This bombshell news possibly has the White house and the KJP crew scrambling. Especially when it’s obvious they care more about social problems than they do actual problems, and being labeled racist or discriminatory when trying to paint an image of the party of diversity and inclusion will certainly be top priority if they really care. Then again, this could be another case of black people can’t be racist or discriminatory?
Let’s continue this conversation, in the comments below.