CAT FIGHT! Drama As Harris Snubs Warren After 2024 Insult

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Our vice president continues to shock the world and our country, as she seems to be an enigma no one can figure out. What started off as an unusual laugh, then came speeches that sounded more like a child than an adult, now she’s on the verge of adding another attribute to her embarrassing list. 

The recent news that Vice President Kamala Harris won’t return calls from Senator Elizabeth Warren has stirred trouble within the Democratic Party. Despite the fact that Warren was one of the earliest and most enthusiastic supporters of Joe Biden’s challenge to Donald Trump, she reportedly stopped short of endorsing Harris as Biden’s potential VP in 2024. This decision seems utterly confusing to many lawmakers and pundits alike, given how desperate democrats are for 2024.

Fox reports, Warren has called Harris twice to apologize for her comments, but the vice president hasn’t returned her calls.

At a Boston Public Radio interview in January, the Massachusetts senator did not endorse Harris as Biden’s running mate in 2024. If Biden runs for reelection in 2024, the radio host asked Warren if Harris should be his running mate.

Let’s remind you of what she had to say.

After the interview, Warren told GBH News she fully supported a Biden-Harris ticket.

The statement read: “I fully support the president’s and vice president’s reelection together and never intended to imply otherwise,” Warren told GBH News. “They’re a terrific team with a strong record of delivering for working families.”

Members of Democratic leadership are reportedly concerned that the negative remarks directed at the vice president could “prove to be a political problem.”

Gov. J.B. Pritzker, D-Ill., told CNN, “People who are denigrating her are aggrandizing themselves.”

According to another Democratic Party chair, Harris “seems to be an albatross.”

In recent weeks, Democrats have expressed concerns about Harris’ “basic political skills.” 

The New York Times quoted Democratic fundraiser John Morgan in February as saying Harris’ weakness would be “one of the most effective arguments against Biden.”

All we have to say to Kamala is that the truth hurts. It’s interesting to see trouble in the leftist utopia when they seem to push to be the party of unity. These are the same people who did not budge once when voting for a speaker of the house, but now look at them. They can’t make up their mind on whether they want to dumb their liabilities or move forward with them. Kamala should remind us of a saying, if it quacks like a duck. In this case, the same can be said with if it sounds like a child it must act like one.

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