Ted Cruz Plot Genius Plan to Stop Dems From Stacking SCOTUS

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Senator Ted Cruz truly is a master mind when it comes to our most important document – the United States constitution. His knowledge of the law and vast understanding of its complexities have led him to devise a brilliant plan to defend and protect one of the most targeted governing bodies in our modern times – the Supreme Court.

Republican Texas Sen. Ted Cruz announced Wednesday that he will be re-introducing a constitutional amendment to ensure only 9 justices on the U.S. Supreme Court serve at a time. This proposal is something that has never been controversial – until just recently, when it became a point of contention among political progressives. This move could help bring renewed stability to the highest court of the nation, while also helping Americans retain faith in their judicial system.

The Daily Caller reports, once Congress approves the resolution, the resolution will go to the states for ratification. Cruz first introduced the amendment in 2021. As of yet, Senate Democrats have remained quiet on their support for packing the Supreme Court or adding more seats to the court, something that Senate Republicans claim will take place if Democrats gain full control.

Here is Senator Cruz passionately talking about what Democrats proudly promoted last year.

The resolution was introduced by Cruz after he made a statement to the Caller, “The Democrats’ answer to a Supreme Court that is dedicated to upholding the rule of law and the Constitution is to pack it with liberals who will rule the way they want. The Supreme Court should be independent, not inflated by every new administration. That’s why I’ve introduced a constitutional amendment to permanently keep the number of justices at nine.”

During an MSNBC interview in October 2020, then-Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said “everything is on the table” in response to a question about what Democrats would do if they won back the Senate in November.

Republican Missouri Sen. Josh Hawley said, “For years the left has been desperate to pack the court to promote their radical agenda. We must ensure that we stay true to the court’s founding principles, maintain the precedent of nine justices, and keep the Democrats from their brazen attempts to rig our democracy.”

According to Cruz, the constitutional amendment has the support of Paul Summers, chair of the Keep Nine Coalition, Richard Manning, president of Americans for Limited Government, Bob Carlstrom, president of AMAC Action, Grover Norquist, president of Americans for Tax Reform and the Eagle Forum.

That is precisely what needs to be done. We hope classic democrats like Joe Manchin and independent senator Sinema will support this effort and ask their colleagues join them to protect our democratic supreme court. This will be a major victory for America and bring some hope back to us the people.

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