CA Gov Cancels Major Company: FL’s First Lady Rallies to the Rescue!

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The name DeSantis has become synonymous with modern conservative politics. But before it was recognized as a landslide in leadership, this family’s political popularity started with now – Casey DeSantis. She put her own dreams on hold to focus on the most important mission of her life: being the strong woman beside her husband. She will never be written off politically.

Florida’s First Lady, Casey DeSantis is making headlines for her decision to “adopt” Walgreens after the company was accused by the tolerant party of caving to the demands of the conservative agenda. This bold move is positively raising eyebrows. 

The Patriot Journal reports, in their quest to “punish” anyone who crosses their path, Democrats have gone overboard from coast to coast.

In California, Governor Gavin Newsom announced the state would no longer do business with Walgreens because it is compliant with pro-life laws and does not sell abortion pills.

As this Democrat tries to destroy an American company, one state’s first lady is joining forces with the now canceled Walgreens after its failed attempt to virtue signal.

The governor tweeted, “California won’t be doing business with @walgreens — or any company that cowers to the extremists and puts women’s lives at risk.”

In response to red state laws, Gavin Newsom tried to “cancel” a major retail chain. While in Florida, Walgreens was welcomed as the first private sector partner to assist Floridians.

Casey Desantis launched a program called “Hope Florida” to assist those receiving public benefits. Through an online service portal, this program can connect people with over 1,000 faith-based organizations and nonprofits that can provide immediate help. A variety of services are being offered through the program, including food, furniture, and job training.

This is not the first or last time the first lady has done something of this magnitude. When hurricane IAN struck last year, the first lady partnered with Florida base Tervis Tumbler to help Floridians.

What the first lady neglected to do was request an apology from the attempted virtue signaling stunt. We as conservatives aren’t asking them to announce themselves as conservatives but we at least need them to acknowledge that what they did was wrong. We are tired of companies jumping on the tolerant sides’ bandwagon simply when it’s trendy. We as a movement look like push-overs for welcoming them when they tried to sell out. Besides that, we are proud that first lady DeSantis is able to turn a negative situation into a positive.

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