Trump Picks Up Key Endorsement from Florida Rep

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As the summer season approaches, another season is in full swing – the season for presidential endorsements. Many are eagerly watching to see which Republican representatives will come out in support of their favored candidate. It’s the perfect opportunity to see where politicians’ loyalties lie and how they prioritize their political ideals. Will they endorse the controversial but undeniably successful Donald Trump, or will they throw their weight behind other candidates? 

In a stunning display of unwavering loyalty, Florida Republican Rep. Cory Mills recently confirmed his endorsement of former President Donald Trump’s 2024 presidential campaign. This surprising statement of support came soon after Trump’s arraignment in Manhattan on 34 charges, including allegations that he falsified business records related to the Stormy Daniels hush-money case. 

Mills declared that the country needed to stop infighting and unify behind Trump in light of his indictment.

Many wondered if the recent legal battles would discourage some of Trump’s followers, but the endorsement from Mills, along with several others, makes it clear that Trump still holds a firm grip on the Republican party.

Donald Trump Jr. praised Mills’ endorsement on social media, thanking him for joining fellow Florida congressional delegates in endorsing his father. 

He tweeted. “Thanks to Cory Mills for joining other members of the FL Congressional Delegation like Matt Gaetz, Byron Donalds, and Anna Paulina in endorsing my father for President in 2024!” Proud to have this amazing group of #MAGA rockstars supporting President Trump in Florida.”

Mills is now the fourth member of Florida’s congressional delegation to endorse Trump’s campaign. Rumors have been circulating that Florida Governor Ron DeSantis may also run, but Mills’ enthusiastic support for the former president underscores the continuing influence that Trump has over the state’s politics.

In addition, just like how Republican Representatives Thomas Massie of Kentucky and Chip Roy of Texas endorsed DeSantis for 2024 despite no official announcement of his candidacy, Mills coming out in favor of Trump may also boost Trump’s potential candidacy.

Trump’s indictment has been a source of controversy in recent weeks, but it’s clear that his supporters remain steadfast. The former president remains very popular with Republicans and has so far made no secret of his desire to seek a third term in the White House.

The latest national survey conducted by Fox News reveals that Trump’s lead in the Republican primary race has only widened, further strengthening his prospects in the 2024 presidential election.

Here’s Mills reacting to Trump’s indictment.

As a current freshman congressman, Mills has been quite outspoken in his breakout year. As a former serviceman, the congressman has no problem asserting his dominance in congress and we hope he remains consistent throughout his time in congress. President Trump is going to need real patriots to spend by his side during this election cycle.

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