McCarthy: Take a Stand Against Mexican Drug Cartels!

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House Speaker Kevin McCarthy has made a shocking revelation in an exclusive long-form video interview with Breitbart News that the US Government is considering all options to essentially end the destructive Mexican drug cartels.

It’s no secret that the US-Mexico border has been a source of tension these past years. The constant flow of illegal immigrants and drugs across the border has created a crisis of epic proportions. With the cartels becoming increasingly violent and powerful, it’s time for the US government to take action. In a shocking move, the House Speaker Kevin McCarthy has suggested that it’s time to use military forces to combat the cartels.

In an exclusive  interview with Breitbart News, McCarthy disclosed that he believes the US should “embed some military” on the border with Mexico, to use Pentagon technology to fight the drug cartels.

McCarthy affirmed that he believes that the Mexican drug cartels should be designated as foreign terrorist organizations by the US government.

The cartels have made billions of dollars from human trafficking, using weapons and shooting at anyone who stands in their way. They have no respect for life or for Americans.

Trump proposed treating the cartels just like the United States treated ISIS during his administration. In January, Trump released a policy video in which he explained he would treat the cartels the same way if he was elected president again.

While McCarthy did not specifically back a measure from Reps. Michael Waltz and Dan Crenshaw, Waltz stated in a separate interview with Breitbart News that their Authorization of the Use of Military Force (AUMF) against the cartels would free up US military assets at the Pentagon like space assets, including satellites, as well as cyber assets to target and disrupt cartel operations.

Waltz believes that it would authorize the use of military force and resources to combat the cartels.

Mexican leaders have expressed outrage at the idea that American officials would take such drastic measures. Should the GOP succeed in championing such a proposal, Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador has expressed his clear opposition, even threatening to intervene in the U.S. elections to help Democrats and the opposition.

It’s about time for the US government to take action and put a stop to the violent and deadly cartels at the US-Mexico border.Americans are tired of sounding like broken records. Our country is being destroyed from within and only we can stop that kind of destruction. As for the Mexican president, he can kick rocks with his opposition. 

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