WATCH: Teachers Union Boss Randi Weingarten DESTROYED over School Closures… on CNN!

The AFT has long been criticized for its close ties to the Democratic Party and for using its political clout to further its own interests rather than those of teachers and students.
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The American Federation of Teachers (AFT) union was caught in a damning scandal, with evidence showing that they put their political agenda above the needs of students during the pandemic. Union boss Randi Weingarten is facing never-ending, intense criticism for her role in pushing for school closures, despite mounting evidence of the harm caused to students’ academic performance and mental health. Now, CNN commentator Scott Jennings has accused Weingarten of having “no remorse” for the damage done by these lengthy lockdowns.

During a recent segment on CNN, political commentator Scott Jennings grilled Weingarten during a heated discussion, accusing her of putting her political agenda above the needs of students and families.

The AFT has long been criticized for its close ties to the Democratic Party and for using its political clout to further its own interests rather than those of teachers and students.

But the damage caused by the AFT’s obstructionism goes far beyond political influence-peddling. Parents and students across the country have suffered as a result of the union’s intransigence.

Weingarten and her fellow union officials have repeatedly claimed that their refusal to reopen schools was motivated by concerns for the safety of teachers and students. However, a growing body of evidence has suggested that this claim is bogus.

The truth is clear, the American Federation of Teachers union put their political agenda above the needs of students and families during a time of crisis. It is time for the American Federation of Teachers to put aside their political interests and prioritize the well-being of American children. Meanwhile, the AFT has been fighting tooth and nail against efforts to expand school choice and give parents more control over their children’s education. Rather than supporting initiatives like school vouchers or charter schools, which would empower parents and promote competition and innovation in the education sector, the AFT has lobbied against them and worked to maintain its own stranglehold over public education. But as parents and students across the country begin to wake up to the AFT’s destructive agenda, there is reason to hope that change may be on the horizon.

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