American Workers Under Attack: Lawmaker Supports Job Theft by Illegal Immigrants!

In a recent House committee hearing on immigration legislation, Johnson argued that illegal immigrants were necessary for the country's workforce, as they performed tasks such as hospital cleaning and construction.
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Illegal immigration has long been an issue of great concern in the United States, with millions of undocumented migrants entering the country each year. However, Democratic Rep. Hank Johnson of Georgia seems to think that without these illegal immigrants, the country would simply fall apart. In a recent House committee hearing on immigration legislation, Johnson argued that illegal immigrants were necessary for the country’s workforce, as they performed tasks such as hospital cleaning and construction. While his comments are certainly controversial, the facts tell a different story. In reality, illegal immigration poses numerous security and economic threats to the country, and it’s time for lawmakers to take action before it’s too late.

Democratic Rep. Hank Johnson of Georgia faced backlash on Wednesday after he argued in a House committee hearing that illegal immigrants were essential to the country’s workforce, claiming that without them, essential tasks such as hospital cleaning and construction would not be possible.

Johnson’s claims sounded a lot like Nancy Pelosi’s remarks last year when she said we need illegals in America so they can “pick the crops.”

Both Johnson and Pelosi’s claims are widely misleading, given that illegal immigrants often work under the table, with no guarantee of employment security, benefits, or even minimum wages.

Despite their assertions, there has been growing concern about the impact of illegal immigrants on the American workforce. Over 1.2 million illegal immigrants have been encountered at the U.S.-Mexico border during fiscal year 2023, according to data released by United States Customs and Border Protection (CBP), following 2,378,944 encounters in fiscal year 2022 and 1,734,686 in fiscal year 2021. Another 600,000 migrants evaded CBP in fiscal year 2022, according to Fox News.

The Biden administration ended the use of Title 42, a public-health measure employed by the Trump administration to expel illegal immigrants, on May 11 despite the expected surge of migrants after the policy expired.

Despite the resurgence of illegal immigration, the Biden administration has shown little interest in upholding border security, instead favoring policies that benefit illegal immigrants at the expense of American citizens. In addition to providing a path to citizenship for millions of unauthorized immigrants, the Biden administration has also eliminated workplace immigration raids, effectively allowing immigrants to operate with impunity in the United States.

Such policies have been particularly concerning in light of growing unemployment rates among American citizens, which have been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. With millions of Americans out of work and struggling to survive, it is egregious that illegal immigrants are being welcomed into this country with open arms, taking jobs and resources away from American citizens who desperately need them.

As the numbers clearly show, illegal immigration is not a minor issue. In the past year alone, over 1.2 million illegal immigrants have been encountered at the U.S.-Mexico border, with another 600,000 managing to evade detection. With such a massive influx of migrants, it’s no surprise that the country is facing numerous security and economic challenges. From the strain on resources to the increased risk of crime and terrorism, the consequences of illegal immigration cannot be ignored. While Rep. Johnson may feel that these migrants are performing essential tasks, the reality is that they are also costing the country billions of dollars each year. As such, it’s time for the government to take action and find a solution to this ongoing problem.

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