Gov. Noem Sparks Outrage: Calls to Ban Campus Drag Shows and Erase Preferred Pronoun Usage – Find Out Why!

Gov. Noem Sparks Outrage: Calls to Ban Campus Drag Shows and Erase Preferred Pronoun Usage - Find Out Why!
Gov. Noem Sparks Outrage: Calls to Ban Campus Drag Shows and Erase Preferred Pronoun Usage - Find Out Why!
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**In a powerful move designed to restore common sense, South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem calls on the state’s Board of Regents to ban drag shows on college campuses and eliminate preferred pronoun usage in academic materials. This bid aims to make South Dakota the paragon of excellent higher education nationwide.**

Governor Kristi Noem has had enough of left-wing ideologies creeping into college campuses in South Dakota. She’s put the state’s Board of Regents on notice, urging them to ban drag shows and remove all references to preferred pronouns in college materials. In a bold letter, Noem declared her vision for South Dakota to lead the nation in providing quality higher education, free from convoluted liberal dogmas.

Noem minced no words in declaring higher education’s current so-called crisis. She points to the progressive ideologies that have infiltrated colleges and universities. Instead of thriving as places of thought diversity and the pursuit of truth, academic institutions have devolved into narrow-minded enclaves of subjectivity and relativism, prioritizing feelings over facts.

The painful repercussions of these left-leaning policies have not gone unnoticed, as less than half of South Dakota’s students graduate, an abysmal number compared to the 63% national average. Governor Noem is understandably appalled, pointing to mounting debt and reduced chances of gainful employment.

Her plan for South Dakota centers on revitalizing education, advocating for a transformative educational experience grounded in truth and reality. Noem entreaties to refocus on teaching true American history, equipping students with valuable career skills, and fostering educated citizens who can positively impact their communities.

Beyond the issues of pronouns and drag shows, Governor Noem hopes to strengthen free speech rights and establish required courses in American Government and history. Earlier this year, she signed bills prohibiting children’s sex changes and banning biological males from playing on girls’ sports teams, laying a firm foundation for enforcing common sense on South Dakota campuses.

**Governor Noem’s undeterred efforts to dismantle political correctness and safeguard higher education’s integrity are a bold example for the nation. This courageous call to action for the Board of Regents is her battle cry in the fight for quality education, and South Dakota is poised to lead the charge.**


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