UConn’s Shocking New Requirement: Every Undergrad Must Take This Controversial Anti-Black Racism Course – Find Out Why!

UConn's Shocking New Requirement: Every Undergrad Must Take This Controversial Anti-Black Racism Course – Find Out Why!
UConn's Shocking New Requirement: Every Undergrad Must Take This Controversial Anti-Black Racism Course – Find Out Why!
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**UConn Mandates Anti-Black Racism Course, Giving Preference to Liberal Ideas**

In a shocking display of favoritism towards radical liberal ideas, the University of Connecticut (UConn) has announced that starting in 2024-25, it will require all undergraduate students to complete an “Anti-Black Racism” (ABR) course, despite its history of embracing radicals like Linda Sarsour, who called for jihad against President Trump.

According to a letter from Provost Anne D’Alleva, the ABR course, which has been offered as an elective since fall 2021, will be made mandatory following the University Senate’s decision to create a social justice requirement within UConn’s curriculum. The ABR course aims to teach students about “foundational concepts related to Black consciousness, Black resistance, Black resilience, and intersectional solidarity.” It also equips students with the ability to question the consequences of anti-Black racism in various areas, such as Black health and wellness, Black agency and resilience, and anti-Blackness in higher education.

However, UConn’s mandate of the course has raised many concerns, including its potential to prioritize radical liberal ideas while sidelining conservative ones. UConn had already demonstrated a preference towards liberal ideologies when Sarsour, an advocate of jihad against Trump, was invited to speak on campus. Furthermore, UConn has a history of subjecting conservative students to strict rules and regulations while allowing left-leaning speakers free reign. In 2017, a conservative speaker’s attempt to give a speech on campus was met with resistance, as they were shouted down, robbed, and attacked.

Despite claims that the university is committed to opposing racism and other forms of discrimination, its selective treatment of liberal and conservative ideas suggests that UConn suppresses the diversity of thought essential for a well-rounded education. The new course requirement seems to solidify UConn’s preference for radical leftist ideologies, further alienating conservative students and stifling meaningful debate.

**UConn’s ABR Course Mandate Reveals Leftist Bias, Suppressing Conservative Voices**

The decision to make the ABR course mandatory at UConn raises serious concerns about the university’s commitment to diversity of thought, as it appears to prioritize radical liberal ideas while silencing conservative voices. This dangerous precedent could further alienate conservative students and hinder the development of a more just and equitable society.


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