Astonishing New York Times Critique: The Little Mermaid Lacks ‘Kink’ for a Kids’ Film

Astonishing New York Times Critique: The Little Mermaid Lacks 'Kink' for a Kids' Film
Astonishing New York Times Critique: The Little Mermaid Lacks 'Kink' for a Kids' Film
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The New York Times shocks readers with a review of The Little Mermaid, criticizing the children’s film for lacking ‘kink’ and ‘carnality.’ Social media users react with disbelief and concern as the review sparks questions about the intentions of its author and the publication.

In a bewildering review of the new live-action version of The Little Mermaid, The New York Times berated the children’s movie for lacking qualities such as “kink” and “carnality.” While noting that the film “reeks of obligation and noble intentions,” the review argued that it was missing elements like “joy, fun, mystery, risk, flavor, kink.” The author went on to claim that the movie seemed to be trying not to offend, challenge or imagine, resulting in a film that felt somewhat sanitized.

As if this wasn’t enough to raise eyebrows, the review continued by complaining about the absence of “carnality” in the movie – a term that refers to a morbid sexual desire or lewdness. The reviewer expressed disappointment that the film’s diverse cast didn’t make it more enjoyable but rather, made it feel utopian and less controversial. This judgment has left many people questioning the propriety and necessity of such comments in a review of a children’s film.

As expected, the review did not sit well with social media users. Many took to Twitter to express their disbelief and concern over the New York Times’ apparent desire for more kink and carnality in a movie intended for young viewers. Some even warned others to keep these individuals away from children.

Tom Fitton, the president of Judicial Watch, tweeted: “NYTIMES upset children’s movie missing ‘kink.’ Further confirmation that adults who want to push sexual activity with children are running our elite institutions.” Others, like author Frank J. Fleming, sarcastically expressed surprise that the review’s perspective was not from a “racist right-winger.”

In concluding this startling situation, it is clear that The New York Times’ review of The Little Mermaid crossed the line between providing a thoughtful critique and suggesting inappropriate content for a children’s film. This review not only shocked readers but also raised concerns about the individuals involved in shaping our cultural conversations, fueling debates across social media.


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