Unleash Glenn’s JAW-DROPPING Memorial Day Message: Discover the BEST OF US ALL Inside!

Unleash Glenn's JAW-DROPPING Memorial Day Message: Discover the BEST OF US ALL Inside!
Unleash Glenn's JAW-DROPPING Memorial Day Message: Discover the BEST OF US ALL Inside!
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**Memorial Day: A Reminder of Our Heroes’ Sacrifices**

While many people take advantage of Memorial Day weekend to enjoy the outdoors, throw parties, and soak up the sun, Glenn Beck reminds us of the true meaning behind this national holiday: honoring the heroic men and womenwho sacrificed their lives for our country and the families they left behind.

Imagine for a moment that you have a son who has been serving in the United States Marine Corps. While going about your day, unbeknownst to you, your precious son has just fallen in combat. Following military protocol, a death notification is prepared and delivered to your family within eight hours. Three individuals arrive at your doorstep: an officer at least one rank higher than your son, a chaplain, and someone providing medical assistance in case the news results in physical distress.

This tragic scenario is what Memorial Day is truly about. In the years following 9/11, hundreds of parents have experienced this very moment, suffering alongside their fellow Gold Star families. In 2003 alone, 312 parents lost their sons and daughters in combat.

Although painful to consider, no one should forget the importance of remembering and honoring those who fought and died for our country. Memorial Day is not just another holiday; it holds a layer of sacredness that emphasizes the gratitude and respect we owe to those who made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom and the American way of life.

**Be Grateful, Be Proud, and Never Forget**

Whether you go to the beach, have a barbecue, or simply enjoy your day off, remember the profound significance of Memorial Day. Take a moment to honor our fallen heroes who bravely fought and made the ultimate sacrifice so that we can continue living and celebrating our cherished freedom.


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