Netanyahu Advisor Zwick Exclaims: ‘Supreme Leader Biden’ is ‘Unfit for Office & Gradually Damaging America’

Netanyahu Advisor Zwick Exclaims: 'Supreme Leader Biden' is 'Unfit for Office & Gradually Damaging America'
Netanyahu Advisor Zwick Exclaims: 'Supreme Leader Biden' is 'Unfit for Office & Gradually Damaging America'
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**Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu appoints Gilad Zwick, a journalist who boldly exposes Biden’s incompetence and critiques the 2020 elections, as media adviser. Despite attacks from the left-wing media, Zwick remains undeterred in his mission to unveil the truth.**

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu recently appointed conservative Channel 14 TV journalist Gilad Zwick as his media adviser. Zwick is known for his critiques of Joe Biden, whom he refers to as “Supreme Leader Biden,” and has drawn attention to the President’s inability to effectively lead America. He has also raised concerns about the 2020 US elections, pointing out irregularities and questioning the security of Dominion Voting Systems. Left-wing media outlets have predictably reacted with outrage, with some even calling for Zwick to retract statements made on Twitter.

Zwick has been vocal about the media’s attempts to cover up Biden’s shortcomings while other world powers, like China, Russia, and Iran, remain acutely aware of America’s lack of leadership. In the aftermath of the 2020 US presidential election, Zwick called for Israeli right-wing elected officials to take inspiration from their American counterparts and fight for the truth.

He has also brought attention to the suspicious ballot-counting incident in Atlanta, where workers were caught on video counting ballots without any supervision long after media and observers were cleared out. Zwick claims that these workers counted 18,000 votes, enough to tip the election in Georgia in favor of Biden.

In addition to his critiques of Biden and the election process, Zwick has also condemned the Black Lives Matter movement, describing it as an organization that “aspires to violent revolution” while ignoring the fact that black-on-black crime is a significant issue. He also criticized the movement for its


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