**The left’s hypocrisy on race relations was exposed on MSNBC’s Morning Joe, where Joe Scarborough and Eugene Robinson discussed Senator Tim Scott’s appearance on The View and the reactions it prompted. The segment revealed how the left can be just as racist when attempting to virtue signal about their tolerance for racial minorities with conservative views.**
MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough and Eugene Robinson had a discussion centered around Senator Tim Scott (R-SC) and his appearance on The View. The conversation was filled with racial divisiveness and focused mainly on mocking Scott for being a black conservative, which only goes to show the left’s hypocrisy on race relations.
Scarborough claimed that it was offensive for pundits to say Scott couldn’t speak about his beliefs because of his race. However, Robinson disputed the notion, saying he didn’t hear that sentiment often. Scarborough then alluded to some friends of his who thought that way, and it became clear that these individuals were current and former MSNBC hosts, who have made racially charged remarks against Scott in the past.
The irony of the segment lied in the fact that these leftist journalists found it appropriate to single out Scott for his conservative views, while simultaneously accusing Republicans of not being “enlightened on race.” They ignore the possibility that Scott may genuinely be a candidate that people support, not just a token used to escape accusations of racism.
**In conclusion, the Morning Joe segment highlighted the left’s own hypocrisy when it comes to addressing race relations in America. As they accuse their conservative counterparts of racial insensitivity, their own discussions show just how unenlightened they are on the matter.**