PBS Experiences Major Glitch at Biden’s Air Force Academy Commencement, Abruptly Switches to Trump Revealing Mail-in Ballot Fraud (VIDEO)

PBS Experiences Major Glitch at Biden's Air Force Academy Commencement, Abruptly Switches to Trump Revealing Mail-in Ballot Fraud (VIDEO)
PBS Experiences Major Glitch at Biden's Air Force Academy Commencement, Abruptly Switches to Trump Revealing Mail-in Ballot Fraud (VIDEO)
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**In a bizarre interruption during Biden’s Air Force Academy commencement speech, a glitch in the PBS coverage mysteriously cuts to former President Trump speaking about election fraud, raising questions and concerns about the integrity of the broadcast.**

On June 1st, President Joe Biden took the stage at the United States Air Force Academy only to trip over a sandbag in what could have been a simple stage mishap. However, Dan Bongino, a former Secret Service agent, commented that sandbags are commonly used backstage but are never placed on the side where the President is supposed to walk. Additionally, a video shared by The Gateway Pundit shows Biden wandering aimlessly on stage, further suggesting that the entire event was poorly staged.

But the commencement ceremony took an even stranger turn when the PBS coverage of the event was interrupted. After Biden was introduced, the live-feed abruptly cut to a sound clip (with sporadic video) of President Trump discussing mail-in ballot fraud and the importance of “free elections.” This unexpected interruption was noted by The Kate Awakening on Twitter, who shared a shortened clip of the incident.

While the full PBS broadcast does include the interruption, no explanation was provided by PBS NewsHour as to the cause of this abrupt cut. Viewers were left wondering about the reasons behind this peculiar broadcasting glitch, and whether there was a political angle to the interruption.

**This strange incident during Biden’s commencement speech not only raises questions about the administration’s competence in terms of stage management, but also highlights the ongoing debate over electoral integrity fueled by former President Trump’s statements.**


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