‘Dereliction of Duty’: House GOP Targets Mayorkas with Investigation into Border Crisis

House GOP Targets Mayorkas: Investigation into Border Crisis Mismanagement Begins
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In a bold move, the House GOP has announced an official investigation into Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, citing a ‘dereliction of duty’ in his management of the border crisis. This comes amid growing concerns over the Secretary’s handling of immigration policies and border security. The GOP members of the House Homeland Security Committee are leading the charge, promising a thorough probe into the Secretary’s actions. This investigation could have far-reaching implications for the Biden administration and the future of U.S. immigration policy. The question now is, what will this investigation uncover?

The House Homeland Security Committee, led by the GOP members, has taken a decisive step in addressing the ongoing border crisis. They have launched an official investigation into Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, accusing him of willful dereliction in his duties as Secretary of Homeland Security. The GOP members argue that Mayorkas has disregarded his oath to the Constitution by ignoring its basic tenets.

The border crisis, they argue, did not occur due to weather anomalies, changes in the governments of other countries, a decrease in Border Patrol resources, a cut in the Homeland Security budget, or changes to U.S. immigration laws. Instead, they point to the removal of 89 policies from two previous administrations by Secretary Mayorkas as the root cause of the crisis.

Migrants, they claim, tested the system and found it wanting. The Secretary’s ‘Catch and Release’ policies, which involve no detention and immediate parole, have led to millions crossing the southern border. The drug cartels, they argue, have seized on this opportunity, profiting from using people to overwhelm the Border Patrol and sneak fentanyl into the country.

The GOP members paint a grim picture of the effects of these policies on the nation. They cite 6.2 million encounters between the northern and southern borders, 1.5 million ‘gotaways’, and the release of criminal aliens into the United States. They highlight the devastating impact of narcotics pouring across the border, leading to the death of 107,000 Americans in one year alone.

The GOP members argue that Mayorkas’ policies are the cause of this crisis. They accuse him of violating or subverting at least 10 laws passed by Congress, ignoring multiple court orders, and lying to Congress and the American people. They argue that his dereliction of duty has placed the safety of Americans second to his own personal agenda, resulting in a humanitarian crisis.

The GOP members also highlight the impact of Mayorkas’ policies on migrants. They cite reports of sexual assaults, deaths at the border, and children lost to a life of forced labor. They argue that Mayorkas’ policies have resulted in a humanitarian crisis the likes of which the country has never seen.

The GOP members also criticize Mayorkas for his lack of understanding of the cartels he is confronting. They argue that he admitted to the Senate that he didn’t understand the basic strategy of the cartels, and was unaware of the tracking systems they use. They compare this to a general in the army lacking knowledge of the enemy he is facing.

The GOP members also accuse Mayorkas of failing the men and women he leads, lying about their behavior to support a political narrative, and pushing them out of their jobs. They argue that this has led to the highest suicide rate ever among CBP officers.

The GOP members also accuse Mayorkas of putting the national security of the United States at risk. They argue that terrorists, suspected terrorists, and enemies of the nation have flooded across the borders. They highlight a surge in Chinese nationals crossing the border, many of whom they claim have ties to the PLA and the CCP.

The GOP members conclude by expressing their hope that the American people will listen intently to the details of Mayorkas’ dereliction of duty, and that the president will take action.

The House GOP’s investigation into Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas’ handling of the border crisis is a significant development. It underscores the gravity of the situation at the border and the urgent need for accountability. The GOP members have made serious allegations against Mayorkas, accusing him of dereliction of duty, violating laws, and putting the safety of Americans at risk. As this investigation unfolds, it will be crucial to watch how it impacts the Biden administration, the future of U.S. immigration policy, and the fate of Secretary Mayorkas. One thing is clear: the stakes are high, and the nation is watching.

Gary Franchi

Gary Franchi

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