Biden Angrily Snaps at Reporter Who Dared Question Him about His Involvement in Alleged Bribery Scheme

President Joe Biden faced tough questioning from a New York Post reporter on Thursday about his alleged involvement in a bribery scheme.
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President Joe Biden faced tough questioning from a New York Post reporter on Thursday about his alleged involvement in a bribery scheme. The FBI provided documents to Congress last week alleging that Biden, then vice president, accepted a $5 million bribe from a Ukrainian oligarch, Mykola Zlochevsky, who also paid Biden’s son, Hunter. The documents purportedly show that Zlochevsky kept 17 recordings of conversations with the Bidens as “insurance”.

Earlier this week, polling indicated that a majority of voters believe the Bidens received payments from foreign entities to influence policy. Meanwhile, the FBI has refused to disclose whether it has copies of the recordings. Republican Congressman James Comer has confirmed that the FBI documents are based on a “credible” informant who has received over $200,000 from the FBI, and who may also work for the CIA.

Biden has faced increasing scrutiny over the past few weeks in relation to allegations of corruption and bribery, but has mocked the allegations and refused to answer questions. When a reporter raised concerns about the bribery scheme, Biden called it “malarkey” and made a joke about the money. In response to the recent polling, the Biden campaign dismissed the allegations, arguing that they are without evidence.

However, the evidence is mounting. The FBI documents show a clear money trail, with bank records indicating that payments to the Bidens exceeded $10 million, with potentially another $20 to $30 million to come. In addition, the recordings that are alleged to exist would provide clear proof of wrongdoing.

The fact that the informant who provided information to the FBI has been paid over $200,000 by the agency lends further credibility to the allegations. It is also possible that the informant may have connections to the CIA, which would add even more weight to the allegations.

Given these developments, it is becoming increasingly clear that there is substance to the allegations of corruption and bribery involving the Bidens. As the evidence continues to mount, it is likely that more questions will be asked of the Bidens, and it remains to be seen how they will respond. For now, however, the allegations are serious, and they cannot be dismissed as mere speculation or hearsay.

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