Shocking Revelation: Biden Caught Red-Handed Using Secret Cell Phone While VP!

Schweizer revealed that Joe Biden had been using a secret cell phone that was paid for by none other than Hunter Biden's company.
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Folks, hold on to your hats because we’ve got a bombshell revelation that’s going to shake the very foundations of Washington D.C.! Peter Schweizer, the author of the groundbreaking book “Secret Empires,” just dropped a truth bomb on the Biden family that’s going to make them wish they never entered politics.

During his appearance on Fox News with host Maria Bartiromo, Schweizer revealed that Joe Biden had been using a secret cell phone that was paid for by none other than Hunter Biden’s company. Can you believe it? The Vice President of the United States was using a private phone line that was paid for by his own son’s shady business dealings! It’s like something straight out of a Hollywood movie, folks.

But wait, it gets even worse. According to Schweizer, this secret global cell phone was used by the Bidens to run a highly profitable international influence-peddling operation that involved the entire family. That’s right, folks, the whole Biden clan was in on the scam, including Joe’s son, brother, brother’s wife, Hunter’s girlfriend (who just happens to be Beau Biden’s widow), Hunter’s ex-wife, Hunter’s current wife, and even three of the President’s own grandchildren. Can you believe it? Most hardworking Americans don’t even make $10 million in their lifetimes, but the Bidens raked in that much from foreign nationals while Joe was Vice President.

And here’s where it really gets juicy, folks. According to James Comer, the House Oversight Chairman, the countries that paid the Bidens directly correlated with Joe’s work as Vice President. That’s right, Joe Biden used his political power to enrich himself and his family to the tune of $10 million dollars. This is textbook money laundering and influence peddling, folks, and it’s exactly what we’ve been warning you about all along.

But don’t expect the mainstream media to report on this bombshell revelation, folks. They’re too busy pushing their pro-Biden agenda to care about the truth. That’s why it’s up to us, the American people, to spread the word and demand justice for the corruption that’s been going on in Washington D.C. for far too long.

So, folks, let’s get the word out and demand that the House Oversight Committee subpoena those phone records. It’s time for the Biden family to be held accountable for their crimes, and it’s up to us to make sure that happens. Stay tuned for more updates on this developing story, and let’s keep fighting for the truth!

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