The White House’s Laughable Excuse for ‘Bidenomics’ Dumpster Fire

It's not the first time Democrats have blamed Trump for their failures.
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It is no secret that Joe Biden’s economic policies have failed to deliver on his campaign promise to “build back better.” Two years into his presidency, Biden’s economic policies have left Americans feeling disenchanted and disappointed with his performance. According to the latest polling averages from Real Clear Politics, Biden’s overall job approval remains more than ten points underwater, with more than 53 percent of Americans disapproving of his performance.

Regarding his handling of the economy, it is even worse – just 39.2 percent of Americans approve of Biden’s handling of the economy, while 56.3 percent disapprove of Biden’s economic policies. The Biden administration is trying to label his failing economic policies as “Bidenomics,” but this feeble attempt at rebranding is unlikely to change public opinion.

Despite the overwhelming negative public opinion, the White House is embarking on a week-long push to highlight Biden’s economic policy, hoping to turn public opinion around. The White House seems to be unaware that the American people are aware of their responsibility regarding the negative consequences of Biden’s economic policies.

In a Tuesday White House briefing, Principal Deputy Press Secretary Olivia Dalton argued that Americans had not yet felt the full impact of the president’s economic agenda. The White House once again attempted to avoid any responsibility for the consequences of Biden’s economic policies and inability to deliver a better economy for the American people. They want us to believe that Biden’s spending binge and war on fossil fuels, which sent gas prices skyrocketing to record levels, had no adverse effects on the economy. They claim that Bidenomics has not fully kicked in yet—what an absurd justification!

It is difficult to accept such reasoning. Biden took swift actions on day one that drove energy costs soaring. He signed several bills, including the American Rescue Plan and the Inflation Reduction Act, both of which the White House has touted endlessly. Americans are now experiencing buyer’s remorse, and the White House spin is that nothing they have done in the past 30 months has kicked in yet. This is bogus.

In the briefing, Olivia Dalton also argued that Americans should “look at where we were when [Biden] came into office…after four years of Donald Trump” to assess the impact of a “Bidenomics” policy.

It’s not the first time Democrats have blamed Trump for their failures. In January 2021, the Consumer Price Index showed annual inflation grew by 1.4 percent. In May 2023, the annual rate of inflation was 4.0 percent. During Trump’s tenure, inflation was below the Federal Reserve’s target of two percent inflation. However, under Biden’s leadership, inflation spiked to 8.9 percent before falling to its current rate of 4.0 percent – twice the Fed’s goal.

It’s no wonder that Americans, by a significant margin, know that they are not better off economically ever since Biden took office. The White House does not appear willing to admit the negative economic impact of Biden’s policies. Reversing these policies is the only way to address the American people’s disapproval and to provide them with hope for a better tomorrow.

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