New York City Considering Removing Statues of Our Founding Fathers

NYC Statue Removal & Musk Twitter Censorship Amid Migrant Crisis & Political Tussle: America in Flux
NYC Statue Removal & Musk Twitter Censorship Amid Migrant Crisis & Political Tussle: America in Flux
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New York City is considering a measure that would completely eradicate any depictions of Founding Fathers like George Washington. This alarming proposal aims to remove any artwork on city property depicting individuals who owned slaves or benefitted from slavery, or those who participated in systemic crimes against indigenous peoples.

This troubling proposal would not only target the Father of the Nation’s statue in Union Square Park but could also pave the way for the removal of Christopher Columbus’ statue. The bill states that if the Public Design Commission (PDC) refuses to remove artwork of individuals who meet the criteria, they are required to include a plaque as an explanation. The Department of Transportation would also be obligated to place informational plaques around schools with the names of individuals who meet the criteria.

In addition to the removal of historical statues, other bills in the council’s agenda include proposals to require the Commission on Racial Equity to set up a Truth, Healing, and Reconciliation process, which will use the city’s historical involvement in slavery as a catalyst for their operation. Furthermore, the Chief Equity Officer will be forced to create costly anti-racism training programs for employees of human services contractors.

Foreigners who are coming to America illegally are already benefiting from taxpayer-funded services such as healthcare and education, whereas the removal of historic artwork and costly training programs will only add to the financial burden New Yorkers are facing. It is not a secret that the far-left has long maintained a deep disdain for America’s Founding Fathers, and this comes as no surprise as former President Donald Trump had warned the American people about this looming threat years ago.

It becomes apparent just how far the leftists have strayed from reality when they fail to realize that we owe these Founding Fathers, including George Washington, an immense debt of gratitude. The leftists’ latest effort to remove art and monuments will only lead to more partisan divides and cultural erasure. It is high time that we recognize our American heritage and hold the Founding Fathers in high regard for making America the greatest country on earth. Patriots everywhere urge New York City’s officials to put an end to this outrageous proposal. The blatant disregard for our Founding Fathers and their contributions to our nation is a disgrace.

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