Explosive Revelation: MRC’s Tim Graham Sends Shivers Down NPR CEO’s Spine with Irrefutable Evidence on Fox Biz!

Explosive Revelation: MRC's Tim Graham Sends Shivers Down NPR CEO's Spine with Irrefutable Evidence on Fox Biz!
Explosive Revelation: MRC's Tim Graham Sends Shivers Down NPR CEO's Spine with Irrefutable Evidence on Fox Biz!
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Are you ready to sink your teeth into this? The elephant in the room is conservative tax dollars funding a biased liberal sounding board – National Public Radio (NPR). As a conservative, this doesn’t settle well with NewsBusters Executive Editor Tim Graham, who takes no prisoners in his fight against NPR’s biased reporting, a stance he recently expressed on Fox Business.

Just the other day, Graham blasted the leftist NewsBusters on a House Energy and Commerce subcommittee. His bold statements echoed on The Bottom Line with Dagen & Duffy on Fox Business. Host Sean Duffy aptly described the situation as taxpayers inadvertently feeding a “radical liberal machine.”

Interestingly, NPR’s CEO Katharine Maher opted out of the hearing. Could it be that she feared facing the mounting evidence of left-leaning content being published under NPR’s name? Graham dove headfirst into exposing the truth. NPR’s selective admiration for controversial publications and movies such as ‘In Defense of Looting’ and ‘How to Blow Up a Pipeline’ only scratch the surface of the bias.

Their misleading portrayal of Republicans as ‘hard right’ motivators steering the nation toward destruction is another glaring example. The absurdity of the situation is not lost on Graham, as he sarcastically refers to this biased reporting as “objective” and comically notes the absence of a “laugh track.”

Co-host Dagen McDowell contributed her two cents, suggesting that Democrats ignore the obvious bias because they choose not to listen to NPR, thereby maintaining blissful ignorance. She brazenly dubbed NPR a “sewage lagoon” due to its ostensible tilt.

Dissecting NPR’s financial structure, Graham revealed a staggering reality. Contrary to claims that only one percent of the NPR budget is federally funded, the truth is more complex. The government funds the local NPR affiliates, who, in turn, feed money back to Washington through “programming fees.” So, a potential defunding would significantly impact NPR’s operations.

Unfazed, Graham asserted that NPR should view this as a wake-up call to return to its original mission of allowing balanced, nuanced conversations representing both parties. He criticized NPR for its softball approach with Democrats, juxtaposed with the more confrontational dialogue used with Republicans.

To wrap things up, it’s clear Graham has set a challenging course for NPR. How they respond to this clarion call is up to them, but we, as conservatives and tax-paying citizens, can only hope that our voices are no longer funded and drowned in a “sewage lagoon” of biased news. The ball is in their court – let’s see if they play fair.


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