Find Out How The Daily Show is CBS’ Secret Weapon for Delivering Crucial Info People Need!

Find Out How The Daily Show is CBS' Secret Weapon for Delivering Crucial Info People Need!
Find Out How The Daily Show is CBS' Secret Weapon for Delivering Crucial Info People Need!
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This week, liberal comedian Desi Lydic of Comedy Central’s “The Daily Show” claimed during a talk with her CBS Mornings cohort, Gayle King, she is keen on building cross-aisle bridges. Really? If that’s the case, why is it her comedy routine seems far removed from the notion of cross-aisle conversations?

King introduced Lydic, complimenting her for her humor on politics and current events. She cited one episode where Lydic amusingly criticized Nebraska’s unique Electoral College vote splitting system. Despite this comedy shtick, Lydic’s real argument was to get rid of Electoral College. Instead, she wants to replace it with popular vote. A not-so-funny scenario for us conservatives who know the value of the Electoral College beyond just the ‘majority wins’ tagline.

Now, in another part of the show, Lydic and co-host Nate Burleson waxed eloquent about political comedy. However, an analysis of her comedy shows tells a different tale. For example, during a visit to Kentucky, Lydic derided Republicans with a Washington Post journalist, even encouraging what could be interpreted as harassment of Republican politicians in public places – not exactly showing a commitment to build bridges or start meaningful conversations.

Moreover, her claim of disarming satirical takes hides the truth that her comedy leans heavily to the left. How does satire resonate with audiences when it is visibly biased towards one political end? It rather widens the divide than dissolves it. If Lydic truly believes in building bridges, would it not make sense for her to interview a conservative? Even if it’s scheduled for a future date, no news of such an appointment has surfaced yet.

Despite this pretense of impartiality, Lydic comfortably paints herself as a progressive, conveniently masked with a guise of humor. That might explain the liberal statements she makes on her show, like saying, “having a vagina does not make you a woman,” or suggesting Jesus would be a proponent of Transgender Visibility Day. This is not humor meant to unite; it is designed to push a left-leaning narrative.

To sum up, while Lydic and her co-hosts go on about the importance of meaningful conversations, empathy, and understanding different perspectives, her actions reflect the lack thereof. At least towards anything to do with conservative principles or people, that is. It’s time for Lydic and The Daily Show to practice what they preach because America deserves better than cheap humor masked as intellectual comedy.


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