Ruhle Exposes Romney’s Shocking Claim on Biden’s Border Failure: You Won’t Believe It!

Ruhle Exposes Romney's Shocking Claim on Biden's Border Failure: You Won't Believe It!
Ruhle Exposes Romney's Shocking Claim on Biden's Border Failure: You Won't Believe It!
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Look who took on the role of President Biden’s advocate again; MSNBC’s Stephanie Ruhle recently threw a few underhanded pitches to Mitt Romney on The 11th Hour. Romney, former GOP nominee and clearly not a committed foe, was scrutinized by Ruhle nonetheless for his critique of Biden’s border mishandlings and failure to place Biden atop a presidential pedestal.

In the interview, Ruhle grandly praised Biden’s promise of bipartisanship. She rattled off Biden’s accomplishments and proclaimed he’d done wonders for the country. From infrastructure to healthcare, she gave Biden full credit. She even noticed the divisive state of the nation, spurring Romney by asking if there was anything Biden could do to unite the nation in a potential second term.

Romney, diplomatically, did not stoke the fire about Biden’s controversial comments in the past. Instead, he straight-forwardly stated that merely giving speeches doesn’t unify people. Ruhle quickly leaped to Biden’s defense, pointing out that his actions weren’t merely lip service, but new policies and laws, like the infrastructure law and the CHIPS Act.

In response, Romney underscored two significant issues where Biden has stumbled. First, he highlighted the continuing inflation problem, dismissing the notion that costs would decrease anytime soon. Secondly, he shed light on the border chaos, which has remained unresolved throughout Biden’s term.

Rather unexpectedly, Ruhle fired back with, “What has Congress done?” as if to shift blame from Biden’s lapses. Romney reminded her that the Republicans had put forward a border plan which Biden summarily dismissed, and further stated that Trump’s reign had far less border issues, a statement quickly intercepted by Ruhle. Predictably, she blamed Trump for blocking a border plan that was supposed to solve the long-time crisis.

Despite the interruptions and blame shifting, Romney stayed focused on countering Biden’s narrative. He reiterated that under Biden’s watch, more illegal crossings occurred than under Trump. Romney argued that the public wanted something different – a desire synced with the reality that the Biden administration has failed to adequately address.

In classic Stephanie Ruhle manner, she managed to deflect all faults from one Joe Biden to any other party she could pin it on. For her, the country’s problems are always someone else’s fault. The Republicans or foreign powers attempting to elect Republicans are the convenient scapegoats for her denial of Biden’s failures.

In summary, while mainstream media darling Stephanie Ruhle did her best to showcase Biden as a beacon of achievement, the facts speak louder. Senator Mitt Romney held his ground, outlying the real issues facing our country today. The clear takeaway here is this: the superficial glamour of rhetorical speeches will inevitably buckle under the weight of the failed policies they supported.


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