May 23, 2024

You Won't Believe What Happened at Biden's Kenyan Press Conference

You Won’t Believe What Happened at Biden’s Kenyan Press Conference

In this special report, Gary Franchi exposes the chaotic joint press conference between President Joe Biden and Kenyan President William Ruto. The event was marred by Biden’s confusion, reliance on pre-written notes, and startling outbursts. Franchi breaks down the key moments, from Biden’s inability to remember questions just seconds after they were asked to his shocking jump scare that left reporters stunned. The report also delves into the larger implications of Biden’s apparent cognitive decline and the administration’s attempts to control the narrative through pre-approved questions and scripted answers. As the U.S. and Kenya discuss critical issues like security support in Haiti, Biden’s performance raises serious concerns about his ability to lead effectively on the world stage. Join us as we uncover the truth behind this disastrous press conference and explore what it means for America’s future. Don’t miss Gary Franchi’s final thought, where he shares his unique perspective on this unsettling display of presidential incompetence.

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Bombshell: AOC SLIPS on LIVE TV and Reveals Dem Strategy to Derail Trump 2024

Bombshell: AOC SLIPS on LIVE TV and Reveals Dem Strategy to Derail Trump 2024

In this explosive special report, we expose the Democrats’ sinister plot to derail President Trump’s 2024 campaign using the legal system as their weapon. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez brazenly admits that the sham trials against Trump serve as a “legal ankle bracelet” to keep him tied up in court and off the campaign trail. But the corruption goes even deeper. We uncover the shocking revelation that Judge Juan Merchan’s daughter has been paid a staggering $150,000 by Democrat Rep. Dan Goldman, raising serious questions about the judge’s impartiality in the Trump case. As if that wasn’t enough, Judge Merchan has committed egregious reversible errors, silencing Trump’s star expert witness who would have demolished the prosecution’s case. This is a blatant attempt to interfere with the 2024 election and prevent the American people from hearing the truth. Join us as we fearlessly peel back the layers of this unfolding travesty of justice and expose the Democrats’ shameless weaponization of the legal system for political gain. It’s time for the American people to wake up and demand an end to this corruption before it’s too late. Tune in for the full story and share this critical report far and wide. The future of our republic hangs in the balance.

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Illinois Bill 4409: Offender or Justice-Impacted? Language Debate Splits Lawmakers on Criminal Terms

In a contentious debate, Illinois lawmakers are considering House Bill 4409, which would replace the term “offender” with “justice-impacted individual.” Opponents argue that changing language in state law is costly and removes accountability for criminals, while supporters claim the new term emphasizes humanity and improves rehabilitation outcomes. As the nation watches, this pivotal decision could shape the way we view and address criminality and redemption.

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Obama’s State Dept. Blocked FBI, Aided Illegal Aliens & Iran’s WMD Plans – Senators Demand Answers!

In an explosive revelation, whistleblowers have informed top GOP senators that the Obama State Department hindered the FBI’s efforts to arrest illegal aliens supporting Iran’s WMD development. This obstruction reportedly took place under former Secretary John Kerry’s watch and raises serious concerns about compromised national security. Insiders point to political motivations for these actions. With American citizens deserving answers, it’s high time we demand accountability and launch investigations into these unsettling claims.

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FBI Raids Soros-Backed DA’s Mississippi Biz: Explosive Evidence Seized, Public Shocked & Awaiting Truth

In a stunning display of federal muscle, the FBI raided Downtown Cigar Company, owned by Soros-backed Hinds County District Attorney Jody Owens, sparking alarm and raising eyebrows nationwide. Owens, a prominent Democrat with deep ties to the Southern Poverty Law Center, finds himself under intense scrutiny as this raid comes amid growing concerns surrounding powerful, Soros-funded DAs and their allegedly selective enforcement of the law. As the investigation unfolds and Owens remains silent, we’re left to question the actions of such influential figures and the persistent power struggles plaguing American politics.

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