Shocking Update in NewsBusters Podcast: What Happened After Trump’s Verdict and How NPR Blasted Fox with Folkenflik!

Shocking Update in NewsBusters Podcast: What Happened After Trump's Verdict and How NPR Blasted Fox with Folkenflik!
Shocking Update in NewsBusters Podcast: What Happened After Trump's Verdict and How NPR Blasted Fox with Folkenflik!
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Big fanfare from NPR’s Morning Edition host Steve Inskeep on Twitter, promising diverse views following the Trump trial verdict. The reality? Hugh Hewitt and four liberals got to give their two cents. Is a 4:1 ratio what we now call diversity? Regardless, one raging leftist made a fuss over the “overt fascist” Hewitt’s audacity to voice his opinion.

If you want a good chuckle, check out NPR’s melodramatic analysis of Fox News – it’s a classic. Their go-to Fox basher, David Folkenflik, wasted no time cashing in on the verdict, accusing Fox of setting up a “30-mile buffer for Trump.” In other words, Fox portrays the constant battle between Trump and the Democrats as one between good and evil.

In Folkenflik’s view, right-leaning media outlets – such as Daily Wire, Federalist, Breitbart, Gateway Pundit – are guilty of insulating Trump from any critique within his base and from the consequences of the verdict. He would have listeners believe that these outlets portray Trump as nothing more than a victim of political persecution. Whatever happened to Fox’s old slogan – “we report, you decide”? Seems completely AWOL these days, according to him.

Folkenflik and others at NPR are champions of hypocrisy. Are they implying that NPR is a paragon of unbiased reporting? That they do not shield their listeners from contrasting opinions? That they do not portray the DNC as righteous against the GOP’s tyranny? As if! Shutting down dissent is the first step toward autocracy, and NPR has a track record of silencing conservative voices.

Back on All Things Considered, Republicans were noticeably absent when discussing Biden’s new border policy and Merrick Garland’s hearing. The Garland coverage solely consisted of Garland singing his own praises, while the Biden piece featured commentary exclusively from Biden and a Democratic pollster. Franco Ordonez was allowed a token description of the Trump campaign’s stance, only to sweep it under the rug with an endorsement for Biden’s strict measures.

Sunday brought more of the same with Folkenflik. The verdict was a “sober moment” and a time for contemplation, according to him. Fox News took the critique on the chin thanks to their “us versus them” stance, and their failing to hold Trump accountable for his own actions.

So, take a gander at the podcast below, or wherever you usually get your podcasts. Just remember, the reality you’re served is as varied as the storyteller’s perspective. It’s always worth considering who is setting the narrative and to what end.


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