As Americans, we are incredibly fortunate to have some of the bravest and selfless individuals ever to serve our country, even during difficult and controversial times. That is just one example which has been demonstrated recently – the reunion of a former Vietnam soldier’s family, after they were presented with a profoundly heartfelt gift from his time in service. A truly vivid reminder of the true sacrifices.
Marine Corporal Larry Hughes proudly served his country in Vietnam without ever mentioning his missing dog tag. His son, Carl Hughes, respected him for his humility and knowledge of sacrificing himself for something greater. An emotional ending is finally here as the dog tag long missing from Corporal Larry Hughes has now returned to where it belongs: with its rightful owner’s family. Another remember of the quiet bravery that lives on.
Breitbart reports,
The missing dog tag of Marine Corporal Larry Hughes never surfaced during his Vietnam service.
Fox 13 reported Friday that Hughes’ son Carl called him a humble man who never spoke of his military service.
While serving in the Da Nang Province in 1966, the Marine’s dog tag went missing. The following video footage shows Marines clearing rice paddies while jets fly overhead:
It was thanks to a group of special people that the Marine’s dog tag was found.
TAKE A LOOK at how it happened
An image shows relatives displaying a plaque and dog tag in a shadowbox.
The Hughes family’s recent experience is something to be proud of and a reminder to us all of America’s long-held commitment to honoring our services members. As their grandfather Larry Hughes received a belated but well-deserved ceremony, it brings to light the great respect that has historically been felt around the country for members of our military. While moments like these are no longer as common as they once were because of the political climate, this poignant moment serves as a reminder that we should do our best to continue honoring those who risk their lives everyday to defend our freedom.Â
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