In a shocking turn of events in CNN’s efforts to appear more balanced A reporter there decided that now would be the perfect time to bring public awareness to the Hunter Biden laptop story, and now is facing immediate backlash from her own party.
Mainstream media won’t go within 5 miles of any story relating to Hunter Biden. If the same thing came out about Trump, or any of his kids we would have 24/7 news coverage of it, with movies and books on the subject.
Daily caller writes. Sara Sidner shared an article from Yahoo! News regarding Hunter’s business dealings with Ye Jianming and Patrick Ho, who were under FBI investigation for a “global bribery scheme” in 2017.
According to the article, Hunter’s associations with Chinese businessmen could constitute a “counterintelligence threat.”
Hunter Biden and the FBI investigation into him should be the subject of “legitimate questions,” Sidner said.

“There are serious questions that should be asked about Hunter Biden. H’s not an elected official but legitimate questions should be asked and answered about his former business dealings and how it was handled by the FBI. This shouldn’t be a partisan issue.”
Sara Snider received immediate backlash from leftists after posting her tweet.

Actor John Cusack told Sidner to “gimme a break” and deflected by asking ” are you gonna ask the same question about bill bars [sic] Ties to Epstein? Through his daddy? His obstruction of mueller / lying to Congress – child abduction?”

Former spokesperson for the Republican National Committee Cheri Jacobus simply tweeted “unfollowed.”
A lot of media attention is being shined on the Hunter Biden story in recent weeks following the impending premier of
Next News Network reported. The movie “My Son Hunter” will be released on September 7th. Breitbart News will distribute the biographical drama based on the life of Hunter Biden. While filming something interesting happened, wait until you hear what.
Hunter Biden’s Lawyers were not a big fan of this movie.
Here is the trailer for the movie the Biden’s fear so much.
How dare Sara Sidner go against the White House narrative on Hunter Biden. Shame, she should know better. You cannot challenge the regime. I highly encourage everyone to watch the My Son Hunter movie, and share this article as the movie releases tomorrow.
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