Joe Biden FAILS Again – Struggles With The Interwebs Thingy, Sends America to DEAD Website

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These darn whipper snappers and their techno gadget thingies. Biden apparently is stuck mentally in a time where horse drawn carriages, and cuneiform was still a thing as he struggles with the most basic concept of the internet.

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Oh Biden was a senator for almost 40 years before he became President. So he should be aware of how the internet basically functions. Yet his brain is glitching back to the 70’s where even basic concepts of the internet is beneath him.

Western journal reports. President Biden probably has his hands full with White House IT, but that’s their problem; if worst comes to worst, they can give him an old Commodore 64 and tell him it’s a super-duper secret computer he can only use, then let him play around on it until he becomes bored or falls asleep. Maybe he can use one of Hunter’s old laptops. It wasn’t our problem until Biden appeared at the White House with Education Secretary Miguel Cardona to announce the beta version of the student loan forgiveness web portal.



So lets head over to NEXT NEWS NETWORK DOT COM where we have another Joe Biden moment.

Next news network reported. Apparently the commander in chief can;t remember his own medical conditions either. The White House was forced to put out a statement to clarify that President Joe Biden doesn’t have cancer after another strange gaffe made it sound like he did.

Joe Biden was delivering a major speech on climate change when he began to talk about the impact of emissions from oil refineries near his hometown in Delaware.

Joe Biden’s latest blunder with the internet is just another example of his inability to handle the job of President. Sending America to a dead website? Come on, it was DOT com Joe. Maybe it’s time for Biden to take some lessons on how to read a teleprompter, because it seems like it would have saved him from this embarrassing moment. The President is supposed to be a leader in technology and cyber security, yet he can’t even properly use the internet. It’s just another failure in a long line of failures for Joe Biden. Hang it up, Joe. You continue to be an embarrassment to our country. Bring back mean tweets, and $1.23 gallons of gas. 

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