Today Show Viewers ROCKED After Election Expert Shows Up With HORRIBLE News For The Dems

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Are you ready for this? That election expert we’ve been reporting on, at MSNBC, well he just popped up on the TODAY SHOW and delivered some pretty terrible news for Every Democrat watching. The news was so bad the leftist outlet was forced to face the facts: There will be a GOP clean sweep this November. 

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The midterm battles are raging, and even though the liberals started the culture war it appears that the Republicans are poised to win it and begin the process of saving America.

Daily Caller writes. NBC data expert Steve Kornacki explained why Republicans could do well in the November midterm elections during a Tuesday morning appearance on NBC’s “Today Show.”

Even NBC had to admit that the Republicans are gaining ground on the crime issue, as well as others.

So it looks like the red wave will happen, senators are taking to the air waves to broadcast their support.

Next News Network reported. If you look at recent polls, a Republican majority in the Senate doesn’t seem too far-fetched. Republicans are already expected to retake the House and many Senate races that will determine control of that body are tightening. Ted Cruz (R-TX) predicted Wednesday on FNC’s “Jesse Watters Primetime” that Republicans will win both the Senate and House in November.


The election expert’s news on the TODAY SHOW was devastating for Democrats, and the fact that even a liberal outlet like MSNBC couldn’t ignore it just proves how dire their situation is. It’s time to rid DC of the Democratic filth and usher in a red wave. But it’s not enough to simply sit back and hope for this change – we must actively get involved and make it happen. The Dems want to let criminals out of jail and embrace communism; it’s up to us to cleanse our government and preserve America as the beacon of freedom it was meant to be. Let’s band together and ensure a GOP clean sweep in November. Every vote counts, so let’s encourage everyone we know to participate in this essential democratic process. It’s time to take back our country, one election at a time.

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