INSANE: Tim Ryan Promises To Deliver Illegal Immigrants To Your City

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The disattached Democrat Tim Ryan has pledged that he will deliver illegal immigrants to your city.

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This is a BIG issue when Americans are not able to trust what our politicians are saying. Tim Ryan can try to back away from his claims but the truth will always prevail. 

Breitbart reports. Democrat Representative Tim Ryan once pledged to free at least 42,000 illegal aliens, including thousands convicted of crimes, from Immigration and Customs Enforcement custody.

Ryan, running against Republican J.D. Vance for Ohio’s open United States Senate seat, made the pledge to the left-wing American Civil Liberties Union while running for president in the Democrat primary in 2019.

Ryan pledged to free “at least 75 percent” of ICE detainees from detention, which would have amounted to about 42,000 illegal aliens being released directly into American communities. Tens of thousands of those illegal aliens would have been convicted criminals and thousands more would have been released from ICE custody despite pending criminal charges.

Tim Ryan has backed away from those claims stating that he has “never called for defunding ICE” When clearly he did. 

Despite Tim Ryans lies the voters of Ohio know the truth.

American outlook reports. Republican J.D. Vance is maintaining his four-point lead over Democrat Representative Tim Ryan in the race to fill Ohio’s open United States Senate seat, according to the latest polling by Cygnal released last week..

The Cygnal polling found that Vance leads Ryan by four percent, 48.3 percent of the 1,886 likely general election voters in Ohio to 44.2 percent, with 7.5 percent still undecided two weeks before the election.

It’s absolutely insane that Democrat Tim Ryan has pledged to deliver illegal immigrants to American communities. This failed border policy is something that we cannot afford, especially under the Biden administration with Kamala Harris as the vice president. The economy is already struggling and adding more illegal immigrants will only make it worse. Americans need to stand up and fight against this insane wave of socialism that is taking over our country. We cannot let Tim Ryan and the Democrats destroy America! The Red wave is coming, let’s make it happen.

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